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Class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial


public class TAFCTrial
extends Object
implements Serializable
A TAFCTrial is an object where TAFC rule's trial's information are stored. The trial contains the trial number, run number, volume level and the answer given to this trial.

See Also:

Variable Index

· answer
The answer to this trial, true if subject heard the difference or whatever.
· level
The sound level of this trial.
· runNumber
The run number.
· trialNumber
The trial number.

Constructor Index

· TAFCTrial(int, int, Volume, boolean)
Construct a new TAFC test trial object.
· TAFCTrial(int, Volume, boolean)
Construct a new TAFC test trial object.

Method Index

· toString()
Get a string that represents this trial.


· trialNumber
 public int trialNumber
The trial number.

· runNumber
 public int runNumber
The run number.

· level
 public Volume level
The sound level of this trial.

· answer
 public boolean answer
The answer to this trial, true if subject heard the difference or whatever.


· TAFCTrial
 public TAFCTrial(int num,
                  int run,
                  Volume level,
                  boolean answer)
Construct a new TAFC test trial object.

num - The trial number of this trial.
run - The run number of this trial.
level - The volume level of this trial.
answer - The subject's answer.
· TAFCTrial
 public TAFCTrial(int num,
                  Volume level,
                  boolean answer)
Construct a new TAFC test trial object.

num - The trial number of this trial.
level - The volume level of this trial.
answer - The subject's answer.


· toString
 public String toString()
Get a string that represents this trial.

A string.
toString in class Object

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