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Class guinea.logic.Test


public class Test
extends Object
implements PropertyLoader, Runnable, Cloneable, ExpandPathHook

Variable Index

· currentItem
The current test item.
· currentItemIndex
Index of current item.
· defaultPlayer
The default sound player to use if specific player is wanted.
· defaultPlayerClassName
Default class name of the sound player.
· defaultPlayerName
Name of default player.
· defaultSubjectUI
The default subject UI block used for testing.
· disableWhenDone
Disable subject UI when subject is done with item or timeout has expired.
· doneCond
Used to wait until all subject are done.
· enableDoneWhenAnswers
Enable DONE-button only after answers to all questions has been given.
· enableQuestionsAfterPlaying
Answering to questions is allowed only after all samples have been listened to.
· envProperties
· expPath
Save data using textual property files. Deprecated.
Save data using java's serialization system.
· isChildSession
· isDisposed
· items
List of all test items in the 'test items' file.
· itemsFile
The file that contains item properties.
· itemsFilename
The name of the file that contains item properties.
· itemsProps
The properties used to contruct the item objects.
· itemStartTime
Starting time of processing current test item.
· itemTemplates
A table of test items to use as the templates when loading test items.
· itemTimeout
The timeout of item in milliseconds.
· itemWarningTimeout
If the time to answer is limited, a warning is given before the time expires.
· listenedSamples
During an item, set to true when all item samples (or sample sequence) has been played.
· log
MCLL level of test.
· MCLLmax
Maximum MCLL that subject can set.
· MCLLmin
Minimum MCLL that subject can set.
· numSwitches
· parentTest
The parent of this test.
· playerProps
The properties that contain the parameters of the player.
· playersInitialized
· playerTable
A list of players and virtual players that are available in this test.
· playlist
The playlist as a vector.
· playlistFile
The file that contains the playlist.
· playlistFilename
The name of the file that contains the play list.
· progressStatusMonitorID
The monitor object ID of the test progress monitor object.
· requireAllAnswers
Requires that answer gives answers to all questions.
· resultsFile
The results file.
· resultsFilename
The file name of results file.
· resultsFileType
File type of saving files.
· resultsSaved
Shows whether result file has already been written out.
· samples
List of samples for this test.
· sampleSequence
The fixed sample sequence to play to subjects if fixed sequence type selected.
· samplesFile
The file that contains sample information.
· samplesFilename
The name of the file that contains sample information.
· samplesProps
The properties used to contruct the sample objects.
· sampleSwitching
The sample switching type.
Sample sequence is fixed.
Sample sequence is forced (same as fixed). Deprecated.
Subject can play samples freely.
· sequenceType
Type of sequence, free or fixed.
· sessionID
ID of the current session.
· sessionItems
Test items presented in this session in playlist order.
· sessionLog
· sessionSubjectItems
· sessionSubjects
Group of subjects participating in this test session.
· sessionType
· showProgressStatus
Whether to show test progress status information to the subjects.
· subjectSetsMCLL
If set to true, the subject sets the MCL level before proceeding to the actual items.
· testDirectory
The directory of the test.
· testInProgress
Is the test in progress right now.
· testThread
The thread that runs the test.
· timeoutOccured
Used in the test to indicate that at least one of subject's answering time has expired.
Item duration timing start after the item/sequence has been run.
Item duration timing start before the item/sequence is run.
· trainingMode
Is training mode on (true), results are not saved.
· uiFile
The file that contains UI properties.
· uiFilename
The name of the file that contains UI properties.
· uiProps
The properties used to contruct an UI interface object.
· whenTimingStarts
Tells when to start the timing of the duration of item.

Constructor Index

· Test()

Method Index

· addSubject()
Create a new test session subject and add it to the session's subject group.
· addSubject(SessionSubject)
Add a new subject to the test session.
· addSubject(String)
Create a new test session subject with specified subject ID and add it to the session's subject group.
· addSubject(String, SubjectUI)
Create a new test session subject with specified subject ID and UI, and add it to the session's subject group.
· clone()
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.
· controlPerformed(ControlEvent, SessionSubject)
· createNewSession()
· dispose()
· doneItem(ControlEvent, SessionSubject)
· endItem()
Finish current item.
· endItemSamples()
Unload and remove sample objects that were needed with this item.
· endItemUI()
· endPlayer()
Close down players.
· endTest()
· expandPath(String)
· expandVariableValue(String, Dictionary, ExpandPath)
· getAllItems()
· getDefaultExpandPath()
· getDefaultItemTemplate()
Get or construct a default test item template for use with this test.
· getDefaultPlayer()
· getDefaultPlayerClassName()
Get default class-name for sound player.
· getItemClassName()
Get the default class name of the test item used by this test.
· getItemsFile()
· getItemsFilename()
· getItemTemplates()
Get a table (dictionary) of test item templates that are used in the test.
· getItemTimeout()
Get the current value of item timeout
· getItemWarningTimeout()
Get the current value of warning timeout
· getNewSessionSubject()
Create a new session subject.
· getNumSessionItems()
Get the number of test items that are to be presented in this session.
· getParentTest()
Get parent test of this child.
· getPlayer(String)
Get a player from session's player list.
· getPlayers()
· getPlaylistFile()
· getPlaylistFilename()
Get the name of the playlist file.
· getProgressStatusInfo()
Get the test progress status info to show to the subject.
· getResultsFile()
· getResultsFilename()
· getSample(String)
Get a sample from test samples list.
· getSampleSequence()
Get the fixed sample sequence.
· getSamplesFile()
· getSamplesFilename()
· getSampleSwitching()
Get the sample switching type.
· getSequenceType()
Get the type of the sample sequence.
· getSessionID()
Get the session ID of this session.
· getSessionItem(int)
Get a test item that is tested in this session.
· getSessionItem(int, SessionSubject)
· getSessionItems(SessionSubject)
Get an array of session items for a subject.
· getSessionSubjects()
Get the session subject group for this session.
· getTestDirectory()
Get the test directory of this test.
· getTestDirectoryName()
Get the test directory of this test.
· getUIFile()
· getUIFilename()
· initItem()
Initialize current item.
· initItemSamples()
Load and create sample objects for playing.
· initItemUI()
· initPlayer()
Initialize the sound player.
· initPlayerNew(String, Properties)
Initialize the sound player.
· initPlayerOld(Properties)
Initialize the sound player.
· initSessionItems()
· initTest()
· isChildSession()
Is this test is child of another test object.
· loadItems()
Load test items from files to the test.
· loadSamples()
· loadUI()
· loadUIProperties()
· makeSessionItems()
Create the array of test items that are presented during this session.
· makeSessionItems(BindingVector, Vector)
Create an array of test items for a session from all test's items.
· progressCheck()
· progressCheck(String)
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· putPlayer(String, Player)
Put a player in player list.
· removeSubject(SessionSubject)
Remove a subject from session's subject group.
· resetSession()
· run()
· runItem()
· runSequence()
· runTest()
Start the test and run it in the current thread.
· saveItemResults()
· saveTestResults()
· serializeResults(String)
Save session log in serialized format into session results file.
· setConfigFile(String)
· setDefaultPlayer(Player)
· setDefaultPlayer(String)
Set name of default player.
· setItemsFilename(String)
· setItemTimeout(double)
Set the item timeout.
· setItemWarningTimeout(double)
Set the warning timeout.
· setPlaylistFilename(String)
Set the file name of the playlist file.
· setQuestionsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable the question (answer) components for all subjects.
· setResultsFilename(String)
· setSampleSequence(Sequence)
Set the fixed sample sequence.
· setSamplesFilename(String)
· setSampleSwitching(int)
Set the sample switching type.
· setSequenceType(int)
Set the type of the sample sequence.
· setSessionID(String)
Set the session ID for this session.
· setSessionItem(int, SessionSubject, Item)
· setTestDirectory(File)
Set the test directory.
· setTestDirectory(String)
Set the test directory.
· setUIFilename(String)
· setWarningIndicators(double, double)
Used internally to set the timeout and warning indicators for all activesubjects.
· setWarningIndicators(int, int)
Used internally to set up the timeout and warning indicators for all active subjects.
· showProgressStatus(SubjectUI, Object)
Show test progress status to the subject.
· startTest()
Start the test and run it in a new thread.
· startTestModules()
· startWarningIndicators()


 public static final int SEQUENCE_FIXED
Sample sequence is fixed.

 public static final int SEQUENCE_FORCED
Note: SEQUENCE_FORCED is deprecated. use SEQUENCE_FIXED instead.

Sample sequence is forced (same as fixed).

 public static final int SEQUENCE_FREE
Subject can play samples freely.

· sequenceType
 protected int sequenceType
Type of sequence, free or fixed. The default is SEQUENCE_FREE.

See Also:
· sampleSequence
 protected Sequence sampleSequence
The fixed sample sequence to play to subjects if fixed sequence type selected.

See Also:
sequenceType, getSampleSequence, setSampleSequence
 public static final int SWITCHING_NORMAL
 public static final int SWITCHING_PARALLEL
· sampleSwitching
 protected int sampleSwitching
The sample switching type.

See Also:
getSampleSwitching, setSampleSwitching, SWITCHING_NORMAL, SWITCHING_PARALLEL
· numSwitches
 protected transient int numSwitches
· sessionID
 protected String sessionID
ID of the current session. If no session ID is given, an automatically generated ID is used instead (is will be a string 'S' and the difference, measured in minutes, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).

· sessionSubjects
 protected SessionSubjectGroup sessionSubjects
Group of subjects participating in this test session.

· items
 protected BindingVector items
List of all test items in the 'test items' file.

· sessionItems
 protected Item sessionItems[]
Test items presented in this session in playlist order.

· sessionSubjectItems
 protected Hashtable sessionSubjectItems
· itemsFilename
 protected String itemsFilename
The name of the file that contains item properties.

· itemsFile
 protected File itemsFile
The file that contains item properties.

· itemsProps
 protected Properties itemsProps
The properties used to contruct the item objects.

· itemTemplates
 protected Hashtable itemTemplates
A table of test items to use as the templates when loading test items.

· playlistFilename
 protected String playlistFilename
The name of the file that contains the play list.

· playlistFile
 protected File playlistFile
The file that contains the playlist.

· playlist
 protected Vector playlist
The playlist as a vector. It contains the names (IDs) of items that are to be played in this order.

· samplesFilename
 protected String samplesFilename
The name of the file that contains sample information.

· samplesFile
 protected File samplesFile
The file that contains sample information.

· samplesProps
 protected Properties samplesProps
The properties used to contruct the sample objects.

· samples
 protected BindingVector samples
List of samples for this test.

· disableWhenDone
 protected boolean disableWhenDone
Disable subject UI when subject is done with item or timeout has expired. Also used to prevent subject to change answers after he/she has decided being done.

· requireAllAnswers
 protected boolean requireAllAnswers
Requires that answer gives answers to all questions. If false, some answers can be left unanswered.

· enableDoneWhenAnswers
 protected boolean enableDoneWhenAnswers
Enable DONE-button only after answers to all questions has been given. If false, DONE-button can be used even that all questions haven't been answered.

· enableQuestionsAfterPlaying
 protected boolean enableQuestionsAfterPlaying
Answering to questions is allowed only after all samples have been listened to. If false, questions can be answered even if subject hasn't listened to all samples in the item.

· trainingMode
 protected boolean trainingMode
Is training mode on (true), results are not saved. Otherwise, the test is for real and results are saved.

· uiFilename
 protected String uiFilename
The name of the file that contains UI properties.

· uiFile
 protected File uiFile
The file that contains UI properties.

· uiProps
 protected Properties uiProps
The properties used to contruct an UI interface object.

· defaultSubjectUI
 protected SubjectUI defaultSubjectUI
The default subject UI block used for testing. It is loaded from the file 'uiFilename'.

· defaultPlayer
 protected Player defaultPlayer
The default sound player to use if specific player is wanted.

· playerProps
 protected Properties playerProps
The properties that contain the parameters of the player.

· defaultPlayerClassName
 protected String defaultPlayerClassName
Default class name of the sound player. The default is guinea.player.SoundPlayer. The class name should be generally queried with the getDefaultPlayerClassName() method.

See Also:
· defaultPlayerName
 protected String defaultPlayerName
Name of default player.

See Also:
· playerTable
 protected Hashtable playerTable
A list of players and virtual players that are available in this test. In the table, player names are keys and values are Player-objects.

See Also:
Player, getPlayer, putPlayer
· itemTimeout
 protected long itemTimeout
The timeout of item in milliseconds. The subject has that much time to give answers. It it is 0, there is no time limit to answer.

· itemWarningTimeout
 protected long itemWarningTimeout
If the time to answer is limited, a warning is given before the time expires. This is milliseconds before the time ends.

· resultsFilename
 protected String resultsFilename
The file name of results file. If null, a name will be created.

· resultsFile
 protected File resultsFile
The results file. If null, a name will be created.

 public static final int FILETYPE_SERIALIZED
Save data using java's serialization system.

 public static final int FILETYPE_PROPERTIES
Note: FILETYPE_PROPERTIES is deprecated. Saving in properties-format is no longer supported. Serialized format is used.

Save data using textual property files.

· resultsFileType
 protected int resultsFileType
File type of saving files.

· resultsSaved
 protected boolean resultsSaved
Shows whether result file has already been written out.

· sessionLog
 protected SessionLog sessionLog
 public static final int TIMINGSTART_BEFORE_ITEMRUN
Item duration timing start before the item/sequence is run.

 public static final int TIMINGSTART_AFTER_ITEMRUN
Item duration timing start after the item/sequence has been run.

· whenTimingStarts
 public int whenTimingStarts
Tells when to start the timing of the duration of item.

· subjectSetsMCLL
 protected boolean subjectSetsMCLL
If set to true, the subject sets the MCL level before proceeding to the actual items.

· MCLLmin
 protected Volume MCLLmin
Minimum MCLL that subject can set.

· MCLLmax
 protected Volume MCLLmax
Maximum MCLL that subject can set.

 protected Volume MCLL
MCLL level of test. Before test starts, this is also set to default inital value.

· showProgressStatus
 protected boolean showProgressStatus
Whether to show test progress status information to the subjects.

· progressStatusMonitorID
 protected String progressStatusMonitorID
The monitor object ID of the test progress monitor object.

· testDirectory
 protected File testDirectory
The directory of the test. All pathnames are relative to this directory.

· log
 protected Logger log
 public static final int SESSION_TEMPLATE
 public static final int SESSION_SOLO
 public static final int SESSION_PARALLEL
 public static final int SESSION_INDEPENDENT_PARALLEL
· sessionType
 protected int sessionType
· parentTest
 protected Test parentTest
The parent of this test. When parallel independent test is used, this variable contains the test object this session is cloned from.

· isChildSession
 protected transient boolean isChildSession
· currentItemIndex
 protected transient int currentItemIndex
Index of current item.

· currentItem
 protected transient Item currentItem
The current test item.

· itemStartTime
 protected transient long itemStartTime
Starting time of processing current test item.

· testInProgress
 protected transient boolean testInProgress
Is the test in progress right now.

· listenedSamples
 protected transient boolean listenedSamples
During an item, set to true when all item samples (or sample sequence) has been played.

· testThread
 protected transient Thread testThread
The thread that runs the test.

· timeoutOccured
 protected transient boolean timeoutOccured
Used in the test to indicate that at least one of subject's answering time has expired.

· doneCond
 protected transient KeyCounter doneCond
Used to wait until all subject are done.

· envProperties
 protected Properties envProperties
· expPath
 protected ExpandPath expPath
· playersInitialized
 protected transient boolean playersInitialized
· isDisposed
 protected transient boolean isDisposed


· Test
 public Test()


· getAllItems
 public BindingVector getAllItems()
· getNumSessionItems
 public int getNumSessionItems()
Get the number of test items that are to be presented in this session. If a playlist is used, the number is the number of items specified in the playlist. If playlist is not used, the number of items is the number of all test items.

The number of test items in this session.
See Also:
· initSessionItems
 public void initSessionItems()
· getSessionItems
 protected Item[] getSessionItems(SessionSubject s)
Get an array of session items for a subject. The array contains subject's answers for the corresponding session item in sessionItems table.

s - Session subject whose items to get.
An array of test items.
· getSessionItem
 public Item getSessionItem(int index)
Get a test item that is tested in this session.

index - Index of item that is wanted.
A test item.
· getSessionItem
 public Item getSessionItem(int index,
                            SessionSubject s)
· setSessionItem
 public Item setSessionItem(int index,
                            SessionSubject s,
                            Item item)
· getNewSessionSubject
 public SessionSubject getNewSessionSubject()
Create a new session subject. This test is set as its test. No other variables of the subject are set and the subject is not added to session subject group.

A new session subject.
· addSubject
 public SessionSubject addSubject()
Create a new test session subject and add it to the session's subject group. A new subject ID is generated for the subject.

A new session subject.
· addSubject
 public SessionSubject addSubject(String subjID)
Create a new test session subject with specified subject ID and add it to the session's subject group.

subjID - Subject ID for new subject.
A new session subject.
· addSubject
 public SessionSubject addSubject(SessionSubject subj)
Add a new subject to the test session. If the subject hasn't yet a subject ID, one is generated.

subj - A subject to add. If null, a new subject is created with getNewSessionSubject().
The subject given as parameter subj or a new subject if no was provided.
See Also:
· addSubject
 public SessionSubject addSubject(String subjID,
                                  SubjectUI ui)
Create a new test session subject with specified subject ID and UI, and add it to the session's subject group.

subjID - Subject ID for new subject. If null, a new ID is generated.
ui - The subject UI panel to use for the new subject.
A new SessionSubject object.
· removeSubject
 public boolean removeSubject(SessionSubject s)
Remove a subject from session's subject group.

s - The subject to remove from group.
False if the subject was not included in the group, otherwise true is returned.
· getSessionSubjects
 public SessionSubjectGroup getSessionSubjects()
Get the session subject group for this session.

A subject group object.
· loadUI
 public SubjectUI loadUI() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException
· loadUIProperties
 public Properties loadUIProperties() throws IOException
· startTest
 public Thread startTest()
Start the test and run it in a new thread. If the test is already running, the test's thread is returned. This method returns immediately. You can use thread's join() method to wait for the end of test.

The thread that runs the test.
· runTest
 public void runTest()
Start the test and run it in the current thread. This method returns when the test has been run.

· run
 public void run()
· startTestModules
 public void startTestModules() throws Exception
· initTest
 public void initTest() throws Exception
· initItemUI
 protected void initItemUI()
· getProgressStatusInfo
 protected Object getProgressStatusInfo()
Get the test progress status info to show to the subject. When test is running, the information shows how many items have been done out of total number of items in this session.

When test is running, a progress status info object (guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject). May also return a status information as a string.
See Also:
· showProgressStatus
 protected void showProgressStatus(SubjectUI ui,
                                   Object info)
Show test progress status to the subject.

ui - The subject UI that shows the info.
info - An object containing status info about the test. If null, no status info is shown.
· runItem
 protected void runItem() throws InterruptedException
· runSequence
 protected void runSequence() throws InterruptedException
· saveItemResults
 protected void saveItemResults()
· endItemUI
 protected void endItemUI()
· endTest
 public void endTest()
· initItem
 protected void initItem() throws Exception
Initialize current item. Loads samples, reset answers, init gui.

Throws: Exception
an exception is thrown if item initialization fails for some reason.
· endItem
 protected void endItem()
Finish current item. Unload samples, setup GUI, record answers.

· initItemSamples
 protected void initItemSamples() throws Exception
Load and create sample objects for playing. Information about samples are read from the information about the current item.

Throws: Exception
initialization of samples may throw an exception if something went wrong.
· endItemSamples
 protected void endItemSamples()
Unload and remove sample objects that were needed with this item.

· getDefaultExpandPath
 public ExpandPath getDefaultExpandPath()
· expandVariableValue
 public String expandVariableValue(String varName,
                                   Dictionary vars,
                                   ExpandPath expander)
· getDefaultPlayerClassName
 public String getDefaultPlayerClassName()
Get default class-name for sound player.

A fully-qualified Java class name. This method returns the value of the defaultPlayerClassName parameter.
See Also:
· setDefaultPlayer
 public void setDefaultPlayer(String pName)
Set name of default player. This should be used when setting the default player for a specific session in a multiple-parellel independent sessions test.

pName - Name of player.
See Also:
· setDefaultPlayer
 public void setDefaultPlayer(Player defPlayer)
· getPlayer
 public Player getPlayer(String name)
Get a player from session's player list. If this test object is a child session, players are looked for first from child's own list and then from parent's list if if it was not no found in child's list.

name - Name of the player to get.
A player object or null if no player with that name was found.
See Also:
playerTable, putPlayer
· getPlayers
 public Dictionary getPlayers()
· getDefaultPlayer
 public Player getDefaultPlayer()
· putPlayer
 public void putPlayer(String name,
                       Player player)
Put a player in player list. If this session is a child session, the player is put into the child's list. The new player replaces an old player with the same name in table.

name - Name of the player.
player - A player.
See Also:
getPlayer, playerTable
· initPlayer
 protected void initPlayer() throws Exception
Initialize the sound player.

Throws: Exception
an exception is thrown if player initialization fails for some reason.
· initPlayerNew
 protected void initPlayerNew(String names,
                              Properties playerProps) throws Exception
Initialize the sound player. This version initializes players configured in the new player config system (allows multiple players and virtual players.

names - A comma-separated list of player names.
playerProps - A properties object that contains properties of players.
Throws: Exception
an exception is thrown if player initialization fails for some reason.
· initPlayerOld
 protected void initPlayerOld(Properties playerProps) throws Exception
Initialize the sound player. This method is using the old sound player configuration system. This will probably disappear in the future so update the config files to new system.

Throws: Exception
an exception is thrown if player initialization fails for some reason.
· endPlayer
 protected void endPlayer()
Close down players. If this test session is a child session, only child's private players are closed. If only parent's players are used, they are not touched. Parent closes them when it quits.

· saveTestResults
 public void saveTestResults() throws Exception
· serializeResults
 protected void serializeResults(String resultsFilename) throws IOException
Save session log in serialized format into session results file.

resultsFilename - Name of the file where to save the session log. If null, results are not saved.
Throws: IOException
If an IO exception occurs.
· getSampleSequence
 public Sequence getSampleSequence()
Get the fixed sample sequence.

The fixed sample sequence that is to play to subjects. Returns null if sequence has not been set.
See Also:
sampleSequence, setSampleSequence
· setSampleSequence
 public void setSampleSequence(Sequence seq)
Set the fixed sample sequence.

seq - The sequence to be used in the test or null to remove fixed sequence.
See Also:
sampleSequence, getSampleSequence
· getSequenceType
 public int getSequenceType()
Get the type of the sample sequence.

SEQUENCE_FREE for free sequence or SEQUENCE_FIXED for fixed sequence.
See Also:
setSequenceType, sequenceType, SEQUENCE_FREE, SEQUENCE_FIXED
· setSequenceType
 public void setSequenceType(int type)
Set the type of the sample sequence.

type - SEQUENCE_FREE for free sequence or SEQUENCE_FIXED for fixed sequence.
See Also:
getSequenceType, sequenceType, SEQUENCE_FREE, SEQUENCE_FIXED
· getSampleSwitching
 public int getSampleSwitching()
Get the sample switching type.

See Also:
setSampleSwitching, sampleSwitching, SWITCHING_NORMAL, SWITCHING_PARALLEL
· setSampleSwitching
 public void setSampleSwitching(int type)
Set the sample switching type.

See Also:
getSampleSwitching, sampleSwitching, SWITCHING_NORMAL, SWITCHING_PARALLEL
· setItemTimeout
 public void setItemTimeout(double seconds)
Set the item timeout. It is the time the subject has available to give his/hers answers.

secondstimeout - in seconds
See Also:
itemTimeout, setItemWarningTimeout, getItemTimeout
· getItemTimeout
 public double getItemTimeout()
Get the current value of item timeout

timeout in seconds.
See Also:
itemTimeout, setItemTimeout, getItemWarningTimeout
· setItemWarningTimeout
 public void setItemWarningTimeout(double seconds)
Set the warning timeout. It is the time before actual timeout when the warning indicator is lit.

seconds - seconds before the timeout to show the warning.
See Also:
itemWarningTimeout, setItemTimeout, getItemWarningTimeout
· getItemWarningTimeout
 public double getItemWarningTimeout()
Get the current value of warning timeout

warning timeout in seconds.
See Also:
itemWarningTimeout, setItemTimeout, setItemWarningTimeout
· setWarningIndicators
 protected void setWarningIndicators(int timeout,
                                     int warning)
Used internally to set up the timeout and warning indicators for all active subjects.

timeout - Timeout in milliseconds.
warning - Warning time in milliseconds.
· setWarningIndicators
 protected void setWarningIndicators(double timeout,
                                     double warning)
Used internally to set the timeout and warning indicators for all activesubjects.

timeout - timeout in seconds
warning - warning time in seconds
· startWarningIndicators
 protected void startWarningIndicators()
· setSessionID
 public void setSessionID(String sessionID)
Set the session ID for this session.

sessionID - The session ID for the session.
See Also:
getSessionID, sessionID
· getSessionID
 public String getSessionID()
Get the session ID of this session.

The session ID of this test session.
See Also:
setSessionID, sessionID
· setConfigFile
 public void setConfigFile(String filename)
· getTestDirectory
 public File getTestDirectory()
Get the test directory of this test.

The test directory.
· getTestDirectoryName
 public String getTestDirectoryName()
Get the test directory of this test.

The directory name.
· setTestDirectory
 public void setTestDirectory(String dir)
Set the test directory.

dir - The test directory. If it is a file, its parent directory will be used.
· setTestDirectory
 public void setTestDirectory(File dir)
Set the test directory.

dir - The test directory. If it is a file, its parent directory will be used.
· progressCheck
 protected void progressCheck(String error)
· progressCheck
 protected void progressCheck()
· loadItems
 public void loadItems() throws Exception
Load test items from files to the test.

Throws: Exception
if something goes wrong in loading.
· makeSessionItems
 public void makeSessionItems()
Create the array of test items that are presented during this session. If a playlist has been loaded, it is used to select which items to include and in which order. If no playlist has been defined, all items in the list of all items are included in the order they appear in the list.

The loadItems method calls this to create session items after items and optional playlist have been loaded.

This method can also be called later again to update the list of session items if session's playlist has been changed. In that case, also the initSessionItems() should be called also.

See Also:
loadItems, sessionItems, initSessionItems
· makeSessionItems
 public Item[] makeSessionItems(BindingVector allItems,
                                Vector names)
Create an array of test items for a session from all test's items. Optionally, select and order the items specified in a playlist. The original lists are not changed, references to items are copied to the new array.

allItems - A list of all test items defined for this test.
names - A playlist that specifies which of all test items are to be included in the session's items and their order. If null all items in the allItems list are included in the order they appear in the list of all items.
An array of test items to be presented in this session.
· loadSamples
 public void loadSamples() throws Exception
· getSample
 public Sample getSample(String sampleID)
Get a sample from test samples list.

sampleID - The sample ID of the sample.
A copy of the sample.
· controlPerformed
 public void controlPerformed(ControlEvent e,
                              SessionSubject subj)
· doneItem
 public void doneItem(ControlEvent e,
                      SessionSubject subj)
· setQuestionsEnabled
 protected void setQuestionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable the question (answer) components for all subjects.

enabled - Whether to enable or disable.
· getItemClassName
 public String getItemClassName()
Get the default class name of the test item used by this test.

A class name of test item.
· getDefaultItemTemplate
 public Item getDefaultItemTemplate()
Get or construct a default test item template for use with this test. The default implementation creates a template by creating an instance of the default item class got from getItemClassName(). Subclasses may also override this with their own.

A test item template or null if class not specified or instantiation failed.
See Also:
· getItemTemplates
 public Dictionary getItemTemplates()
Get a table (dictionary) of test item templates that are used in the test. The table generally contains at least the 'default' template.

A dictionary of test item templates. The Item IDs are the keys of the template items.
· expandPath
 public String expandPath(String path)
· setItemsFilename
 public void setItemsFilename(String filename)
· getItemsFilename
 public String getItemsFilename()
· getItemsFile
 public File getItemsFile()
· setUIFilename
 public void setUIFilename(String filename)
· getUIFilename
 public String getUIFilename()
· getUIFile
 public File getUIFile()
· setSamplesFilename
 public void setSamplesFilename(String filename)
· getSamplesFilename
 public String getSamplesFilename()
· getSamplesFile
 public File getSamplesFile()
· setResultsFilename
 public void setResultsFilename(String filename)
· getResultsFilename
 public String getResultsFilename()
· getResultsFile
 public File getResultsFile()
· setPlaylistFilename
 public void setPlaylistFilename(String filename)
Set the file name of the playlist file.

playlist - Name of the playlist file.
· getPlaylistFilename
 public String getPlaylistFilename()
Get the name of the playlist file.

The file name of the playlist or null if no playlist has been set.
· getPlaylistFile
 public File getPlaylistFile()
· isChildSession
 public boolean isChildSession()
Is this test is child of another test object. Children are used when running a multiple independent parallel sessions.

True if this test object is a child.
See Also:
· getParentTest
 public Test getParentTest()
Get parent test of this child.

The parent test of this child or null if this object doesn't have a parent (this isn't a child).
· createNewSession
 public Test createNewSession()
· clone
 protected Object clone()
Creates a new object of the same class as this object.

clone in class Object
· resetSession
 public void resetSession()
· dispose
 public void dispose()
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException

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