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Class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent


public class FrameDropEvent
extends PlayerDiagnosticsEvent
The framedrop event. This event is send by the player when it detects drops in audio or video playback.

Variable Index

Audio framedrop type.
· frames
Number of frames dropped.
· type
Type of framedrop, AUDIO or VIDEO.
Video framedrop type.
· when
When framedrop happened (when output should have gone out).

Constructor Index

· FrameDropEvent(Object)
Construct a new framedrop event.
· FrameDropEvent(Object, int, long, long)
Construct a new framedrop event.

Method Index

· toString()
Return a string representation of the event.


 public static final int AUDIO
Audio framedrop type.

 public static final int VIDEO
Video framedrop type.

· frames
 public long frames
Number of frames dropped. With audio it is the number of sample frames dropped (having a 44.1kHz samplerate means that 44100 sample frames are outputted every second). With video it is the number of video fields dropped (either 25/s for PAL or 30/s for NTSC).

· when
 public long when
When framedrop happened (when output should have gone out).

· type
 public int type
Type of framedrop, AUDIO or VIDEO.


· FrameDropEvent
 public FrameDropEvent(Object source)
Construct a new framedrop event.

source - the player where the event originated.
· FrameDropEvent
 public FrameDropEvent(Object source,
                       int type,
                       long numframes,
                       long when)
Construct a new framedrop event.

source - the player where the event originated.
type - type of framedrop, either AUDIO or VIDEO.
numframes - number of frames dropped.
when - when framedrop happened (when data was supposed to come out)


· toString
 public String toString()
Return a string representation of the event.

toString in class PlayerEvent

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