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Interface guinea.ui.MCLLControl

public interface MCLLControl
An extension to SubjectUI interface for allowing the setting of the MCL level. The interface includes methods for: The volume levels can be expressed linear, decibel or percent scale.

The level controller uses a controller component to send the user's selected level to the test system.

See Also:
Volume, SubjectUI

Method Index

· setMCLL(Volume)
Set the MCL level on the MCLL dialog.
· setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume)
Set the limits of the listening level the subject can select.
· setMCLLText(String)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller component.
· setMCLLTitle(String)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
· setMCLLVisible(boolean)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.


· setMCLLLimits
 public abstract void setMCLLLimits(Volume min,
                                    Volume max)
Set the limits of the listening level the subject can select.

min - The minimum level that the subject can use.
max - The maximum level that the subject can use.
· setMCLLText
 public abstract void setMCLLText(String text)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller component.

text - The text.
· setMCLLTitle
 public abstract void setMCLLTitle(String title)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.

title - The title string.
· setMCLL
 public abstract void setMCLL(Volume level)
Set the MCL level on the MCLL dialog.

level - the volume level.
· setMCLLVisible
 public abstract void setMCLLVisible(boolean visible)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.

visible - set to true to pop up the MCL level control, false to hide it.

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