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Interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI

public interface SubjectUI
The interface for subject user interface windows. The interface contains the basic basic methods for using the subject UI. Methods are provided for opening, closing and resetting the window, enabling and disabling components. More extra features are provided by additional interfaces (MCLL controls, timeout warnings).

See Also:
MCLLControl, WarningDisplayer, ABSubjectUI

Method Index

· addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener)
Add a SubjectUI listener to receive events from this UI.
· close()
Close the UI window.
· dispose()
Dispose of the UI when it is no more used.
· getControl(String)
Get a control UI component by name.
· getControlNames()
Gets a array of control component names.
· getControlValue(String)
Get the control value of the controller.
· getMonitorNames()
Gets a array of monitor component names.
· getQuestion(String)
Get a question UI component by name.
· getQuestionNames()
Gets a array of question component names.
· isEnabled()
Returns whether all the UI components are enabled.
· open()
Open the UI window making it visible.
· removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener)
Remove a SubjectUI listener from this UI.
· reset()
Resets the UI to default state.
· setControlsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all control components.
· setControlValue(String, Object)
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.
· setDoneEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.
· setEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all subject UI components.
· setMonitorValue(String, Object)
Set the value of the monitored variable.
· setQuestionAnswer(String, Object)
Set the (initial) answer to the question.
· setQuestionsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all question or answer components.


· open
 public abstract void open()
Open the UI window making it visible. To close it (making it invisible), call close.

See Also:
· close
 public abstract void close()
Close the UI window. Closing the UI only makes it invisible. To make it visible again, call open() again. To get totally rid of the UI, use dispose().

See Also:
dispose, open
· dispose
 public abstract void dispose()
Dispose of the UI when it is no more used. Frees all resources that are used by the UI, etc. Do not try to use the UI any more after it has been disposed, results are unpredictable.

· reset
 public abstract void reset()
Resets the UI to default state. Eesets all controls, questions, monitors and other buttons (Done-button).

· setEnabled
 public abstract void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all subject UI components.

· isEnabled
 public abstract boolean isEnabled()
Returns whether all the UI components are enabled.

· setQuestionsEnabled
 public abstract void setQuestionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all question or answer components.

· setControlsEnabled
 public abstract void setControlsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all control components.

· setDoneEnabled
 public abstract void setDoneEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.

· getControl
 public abstract ControlInterface getControl(String name)
Get a control UI component by name.

name - the name of component.
the requested component or null if no component found with that name.
· getQuestion
 public abstract QuestionInterface getQuestion(String name)
Get a question UI component by name.

name - the name of component.
the requested component or null if no component found with that name.
· getQuestionNames
 public abstract String[] getQuestionNames()
Gets a array of question component names.

an array of question (answer) component names.
· getControlNames
 public abstract String[] getControlNames()
Gets a array of control component names.

an array of control component names.
· getMonitorNames
 public abstract String[] getMonitorNames()
Gets a array of monitor component names.

an array of monitor component names.
· addSubjectUIListener
 public abstract void addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener listener)
Add a SubjectUI listener to receive events from this UI.

listener - a listener
See Also:
· removeSubjectUIListener
 public abstract void removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener listener)
Remove a SubjectUI listener from this UI.

listener - a listener
See Also:
· setQuestionAnswer
 public abstract void setQuestionAnswer(String questionID,
                                        Object answer)
Set the (initial) answer to the question.

questionID - The ID of the question component.
answer - The answer to the question.
· setControlValue
 public abstract void setControlValue(String controlID,
                                      Object value)
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
value - The value of the controlled variable.
· getControlValue
 public abstract Object getControlValue(String controlID)
Get the control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
The value of the controlled variable.
· setMonitorValue
 public abstract void setMonitorValue(String monitorID,
                                      Object value)
Set the value of the monitored variable.

monitorID - The ID of the monitor component.
value - The value of the monitored variable.

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