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Class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer


public class RankOrderAnswer
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Serializable

Variable Index

· labels
The labels.
· ranks
The ranks for corresponding labels.

Constructor Index

· RankOrderAnswer()
Construct a new object.
· RankOrderAnswer(int)
Construct a new rank order answer object.
· RankOrderAnswer(String[])
Construct a new rank order answer object.
· RankOrderAnswer(String[], int[])
Construct a new rank order answer object.

Method Index

· areAllRanksGiven()
Tell whether all labels have been ranked.
· clearLabels()
Clear all labels.
· clearRanks()
Clear ranks for all labels.
· clone()
Clone the object.
· getLabel(int)
· getLabelIndex(String)
· getLabels()
Get the labels.
· getNumLabels()
· getRank(int)
Get the rank of a label.
· getRank(String)
Get the rank of a label.
· getRankIndex(int)
· getRankLabel(int)
· getRanks()
Get the ranks.
· numGivenRanks()
Get number of labels that have been ranked.
· setLabels(String[])
Set labels.
· setRank(int, int)
Set the rank of a label.
· setRank(String, int)
Set the rank of a label.
· setRanks(int[])
Set ranks.
· toString()
Get a string representation of the answer object.


· labels
 protected String labels[]
The labels.

· ranks
 protected int ranks[]
The ranks for corresponding labels.


· RankOrderAnswer
 public RankOrderAnswer()
Construct a new object. Labels and ranks are yet unallocated.

· RankOrderAnswer
 public RankOrderAnswer(int numRanks)
Construct a new rank order answer object. Initializes empty arrays for labels and ranks.

numRanks - Number of labels and ranks.
· RankOrderAnswer
 public RankOrderAnswer(String labels[])
Construct a new rank order answer object. Initializes labels from array given as a parameter. Allocates equal amount of room for corresponding ranks.

labels - Labels for ranking order answer.
· RankOrderAnswer
 public RankOrderAnswer(String labels[],
                        int ranks[])
Construct a new rank order answer object. Initializes labels and ranks from arrays given as parameters.

labels - Labels for ranking order answer.
ranks - Initial ranks for corresponding labels.


· clearRanks
 public void clearRanks()
Clear ranks for all labels. The rank for each label is set to zero (meaning that a rank for that label hasn't been set).

· clearLabels
 public void clearLabels()
Clear all labels. A null is set as the label.

· setLabels
 public void setLabels(String labels[])
Set labels. Ranks are cleared also.

labels - Labels for rank order answer.
· setRanks
 public void setRanks(int ranks[])
Set ranks.

ranks - The ranks of corresponding labels.
· areAllRanksGiven
 public boolean areAllRanksGiven()
Tell whether all labels have been ranked. All labels have been ranked if all ranks are greater than zero.

true if all ranks have been given.
· numGivenRanks
 public int numGivenRanks()
Get number of labels that have been ranked.

Number of labels that have been ranked.
· getRank
 public int getRank(int index)
Get the rank of a label.

index - The index of the label whose rank to get from rank array.
The rank for a label. Zero means that the label hasn't have been given a rank yet.
· getLabel
 public String getLabel(int index)
· getRank
 public int getRank(String label)
Get the rank of a label.

label - The label whose rank to get.
The rank for a label. Zero means that the label hasn't have been given a rank yet.
· getLabelIndex
 public int getLabelIndex(String label)
· getRankIndex
 public int getRankIndex(int rank)
· getRankLabel
 public String getRankLabel(int rank)
· getNumLabels
 public int getNumLabels()
· setRank
 public void setRank(int index,
                     int rank)
Set the rank of a label.

index - The index of the label whose rank to set in the rank array.
rank - The rank for the label. Zero means that the label hasn't have been given a rank yet.
· setRank
 public void setRank(String label,
                     int rank)
Set the rank of a label.

label - The label whose rank to set.
rank - The rank for a label. Zero means that the label hasn't have been given a rank yet.
· getLabels
 public String[] getLabels()
Get the labels.

An array of labels.
· getRanks
 public int[] getRanks()
Get the ranks.

An array of ranks.
· toString
 public String toString()
Get a string representation of the answer object. The string contains a comma separated list of labels in the order they are ranked. The label having rank of 1 is the first. Labels that have no rank are not shown.

A string showing the ranking order.
toString in class Object
· clone
 public Object clone()
Clone the object.

A new clone of the object.
clone in class Object

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