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Class guinea.ui.PlayPanel


public class PlayPanel
extends Panel
implements ControlInterface, MonitorInterface, PropertyLoader
The PlayPanel component is a control component that is used by the subjects to play samples. It also acts as a monitor that can show which sample is currently playing.

Constructor Index

· PlayPanel()
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel.
· PlayPanel(Object[])
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel.
· PlayPanel(Object[], String[])
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel.

Method Index

· addControlListener(ControlListener)
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
· getControlValue()
Get the control value of the controller.
· isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.
· isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.
· processControlEvent(ControlEvent)
Fire a control event to registered listeners.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
Read object properties from the Properties list.
· removeControlListener(ControlListener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
· reset()
Reset control to default value.
· setChoices(Object[])
Set the choices for this answering component.
· setChoices(Object[], String[])
Set the answers and corresponding labels for this answering component.
· setControlEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable control component.
· setControlValue(Object)
The the value that this controller controls.
· setMonitorEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable monitoring.
· setMonitorValue(Object)
Set the value of this monitor.
· showPlaying(Object)
Set which sample is currently playing.


· PlayPanel
 public PlayPanel()
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel. The choices are initally undefined.

· PlayPanel
 public PlayPanel(Object answers[])
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel. The button labels are generated by calling the toString() method of the asnwers.

answers - The answers/control values this components sends.
· PlayPanel
 public PlayPanel(Object answers[],
                  String labels[])
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel. Labels can be used to show different labels on the buttons than what is actually sent to the test.

answers - The answers/control values this components sends.
labels - The corresponding labels for the buttons.


· setChoices
 public void setChoices(Object answers[])
Set the choices for this answering component. Corresponding labels are generated by calling the toString() method of the corresponding answer.

answers - Array of answers.
· setChoices
 public synchronized void setChoices(Object answers[],
                                     String labels[])
Set the answers and corresponding labels for this answering component.

answers - Array of answers.
labels - Array of labels that are shown to the subject.
· setControlValue
 public void setControlValue(Object value)
The the value that this controller controls. Calls showPlaying(value) to do the work.

value - the value to set.
See Also:
· getControlValue
 public synchronized Object getControlValue()
Get the control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
The value of the controlled variable.
· showPlaying
 public synchronized void showPlaying(Object answer)
Set which sample is currently playing.

answer - which sample is playing. It is usually the same value that was returned from the playing control panel. Null resets the indicator (no sample is playing).
· reset
 public synchronized void reset()
Reset control to default value.

· setControlEnabled
 public void setControlEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable or disable control component.

enabled - Use true to enable, false to disable the controller.
· isControlEnabled
 public boolean isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.

true if controller is enabled, false if not.
· setMonitorEnabled
 public void setMonitorEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable monitoring.

enabled - True to enable component, false to disable.
· isMonitorEnabled
 public boolean isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.

true if monitor is enabled, false if not.
· setMonitorValue
 public void setMonitorValue(Object value)
Set the value of this monitor. This components sets the sample play component to highlight the currently playing sample.

value - The name of the currently playing sample. Using null resets the component.
· addControlListener
 public synchronized void addControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.

listener - The control listener
· removeControlListener
 public synchronized void removeControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.

listener - the control listener
· processControlEvent
 public void processControlEvent(ControlEvent evt)
Fire a control event to registered listeners.

evt - A control event.
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
Read object properties from the Properties list.

p - The properties for the object.
name - A name for the object.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
Thrown if parameter values are invalid.

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