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Class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp


public class SubjectUIHelp
extends Object
A help class for working with subject UI windows and components. This class provides methods for loading and initializing an UI window from information in a file or a properties structure.

Variable Index

· defaultUIClassName
The default class name for subject UI window.

Constructor Index

· SubjectUIHelp()

Method Index

· getDefaultUIClassName()
Get the default class name for subject UI window.
· getUIClassAliases()
Get the properties that contains aliases for class names used in UI components.
· loadUI(Properties, String)
· loadUI(Properties, String, Dictionary)
Create a new subject UI object from information in a properties structure.
· loadUI(String)
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.
· loadUI(String, String)
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.
· loadUI(String, String, Dictionary)
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.


· defaultUIClassName
 public static String defaultUIClassName
The default class name for subject UI window.


· SubjectUIHelp
 public SubjectUIHelp()


· getDefaultUIClassName
 public static String getDefaultUIClassName()
Get the default class name for subject UI window.

A class name for subject UI window.
· loadUI
 public static SubjectUI loadUI(String uiFilename) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.

uiFilename - A filename of a file containing subject UI properties.
An initialized subject UI object.
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
No class was not found for a given class name.
Throws: InstantiationException
An instantiation exception occured.
Throws: IOException
An IO exception occured while loading properties from subject UI config file.
Throws: IllegalAccessException
Object properties contained invalid information.
· loadUI
 public static SubjectUI loadUI(String uiFilename,
                                String defaultUIClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.

uiFilename - A filename of a file containing subject UI properties.
defaultUIClassName - Default class name for subject UI if no claas name is not explicitly provided.
An initialized subject UI object.
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
No class was not found for a given class name.
Throws: InstantiationException
An instantiation exception occured.
Throws: IOException
An IO exception occured while loading properties from subject UI config file.
Throws: IllegalAccessException
Object properties contained invalid information.
· loadUI
 public static SubjectUI loadUI(String uiFilename,
                                String defaultUIClassName,
                                Dictionary classAliases) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.

uiFilename - A filename of a file containing subject UI properties.
defaultUIClassName - Default class name for subject UI if no claas name is not explicitly provided.
classAliases - A dictionary of class aliases. The class name found from the properties structure or the default class name is used to search the aliases for the class name. The alias can be a fully qualified java class name or a corresponding java Class object.
An initialized subject UI object.
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
No class was not found for a given class name.
Throws: InstantiationException
An instantiation exception occured.
Throws: IOException
An IO exception occured while loading properties from subject UI config file.
Throws: IllegalAccessException
Object properties contained invalid information.
· loadUI
 public static SubjectUI loadUI(Properties uiProps,
                                String defaultUIClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException
· loadUI
 public static SubjectUI loadUI(Properties uiProps,
                                String defaultUIClassName,
                                Dictionary classAliases) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
Create a new subject UI object from information in a properties structure.

uiProps - A Properties object that contains information needed to create the subject UI object.
defaultUIClassName - Default class name for subject UI if no claas name is not explicitly provided.
classAliases - A dictionary of class aliases. The class name found from the properties structure or the default class name is used to search the aliases for the class name. The alias can be a fully qualified java class name or a corresponding java Class object.
An initialized subject UI object.
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
No class was not found for a given class name.
Throws: InstantiationException
An instantiation exception occured.
Throws: IllegalAccessException
Object properties contained invalid information.
· getUIClassAliases
 public static Properties getUIClassAliases()
Get the properties that contains aliases for class names used in UI components.

A properties object.

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