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Class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor


public class TestProgressMonitor
extends GPContainer
implements MonitorInterface, Serializable
A subject UI component that shows what is the index of the current test item and total number of items in the test.

Constructor Index

· TestProgressMonitor()
Construct a new monitor.
· TestProgressMonitor(int)
Construct a new monitor with a width given as argument.

Method Index

· getFont()
Gets the font of this component.
· isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.
· reset()
Reset the monitor to default value.
· setFont(Font)
Sets the font of this component.
· setMonitorEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable monitoring.
· setMonitorValue(Object)
Set the value of this monitor.


· TestProgressMonitor
 public TestProgressMonitor(int columns)
Construct a new monitor with a width given as argument.

columns - How many columns for the status area field.
· TestProgressMonitor
 public TestProgressMonitor()
Construct a new monitor. Default is used for columns field.


· setFont
 public void setFont(Font f)
Sets the font of this component.

setFont in class Component
· getFont
 public Font getFont()
Gets the font of this component.

getFont in class Component
· setMonitorEnabled
 public void setMonitorEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable monitoring.

enabled - True to enable component, false to disable.
· isMonitorEnabled
 public boolean isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.

true if monitor is enabled, false if not.
· setMonitorValue
 public void setMonitorValue(Object value)
Set the value of this monitor. Used to set the value of the monitored variable. This monitor expects either a TestProgressMonitorObject or a String.

value - The value to set. If null, resets monitor.
· reset
 public void reset()
Reset the monitor to default value.

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