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Class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent


public class DoneEvent
extends SubjectUIEvent
An event generated by the 'done'-button on the subject UI. An event is sent when the subject presses the 'done'-button on the UI or the grading time limit has been exceeded. The command on the event indicates which has happened.

See Also:

Variable Index

The command of the event when this event was caused by the subject pressing the 'done'-button.
The command of the event when this event was caused by exceeding the time limit for grading this item.

Constructor Index

· DoneEvent(Object, String)
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.
· DoneEvent(Object, String, String)
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.
· DoneEvent(Object, String, String, Object)
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.

Method Index

· itemTimedOut()
Is this done-event caused by a timeout in grading an test item.
· newDoneEvent(Object, String)
Create a new DoneEvent caused by the subject pressing the done-button.
· newTimeoutEvent(Object, String)
Create a new DoneEvent caused by exceeding the time limit allowed for grading an item (timeout).


 public static final String DONE
The command of the event when this event was caused by the subject pressing the 'done'-button.

 public static final String TIMEOUT
The command of the event when this event was caused by exceeding the time limit for grading this item.


· DoneEvent
 public DoneEvent(Object source,
                  String name,
                  String command,
                  Object argument)
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object. the ID is automatically set to ID_ITEM_DONE.

source - The object where the event originated.
name - The name of the event source object.
command - The command string for this control event.
argument - Argument object for this event.
· DoneEvent
 public DoneEvent(Object source,
                  String name,
                  String command)
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.

source - The object where the event originated
name - The name of the event source object.
command - The command string for this control event.
· DoneEvent
 public DoneEvent(Object source,
                  String name)
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.

source - the object where the event originated
name - The name of the event source object.


· itemTimedOut
 public boolean itemTimedOut()
Is this done-event caused by a timeout in grading an test item.

True if event was caused by an item timeout.
· newDoneEvent
 public static DoneEvent newDoneEvent(Object source,
                                      String name)
Create a new DoneEvent caused by the subject pressing the done-button.

source - the object where the event originated
name - The name of the event source object.
A new event.
· newTimeoutEvent
 public static DoneEvent newTimeoutEvent(Object source,
                                         String name)
Create a new DoneEvent caused by exceeding the time limit allowed for grading an item (timeout).

source - the object where the event originated
name - The name of the event source object.
A new event.

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