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Class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter


public class SubjectUIAdapter
extends Object
implements SubjectUIListener
A listener adapter for receiving events from Subject UIs.

Constructor Index

· SubjectUIAdapter()

Method Index

· abortTest(ControlEvent)
User has pressed the 'Abort' button to abort the test.
· answerGiven(AnswerEvent)
Called when an answer is received.
· controlPerformed(ControlEvent)
Invoked when an action occurs.
· doneItem(ControlEvent)
User has pressed the 'Done' to complete the item.
· gotoItem(ControlEvent)
User has pressed the 'Goto' button to go to a selected item.
· nextItem(ControlEvent)
User has pressed the 'Next' button to go to the next item.
· pauseTest(ControlEvent)
User has pressed the 'Pause' button to pause the test.
· prevItem(ControlEvent)
User has pressed the 'Prev' button to go to the previous item.


· SubjectUIAdapter
 public SubjectUIAdapter()


· doneItem
 public void doneItem(ControlEvent e)
User has pressed the 'Done' to complete the item.

e - a control event.
· nextItem
 public void nextItem(ControlEvent e)
User has pressed the 'Next' button to go to the next item. Not used at the moment.

e - a control event.
· prevItem
 public void prevItem(ControlEvent e)
User has pressed the 'Prev' button to go to the previous item. Not used at the moment.

e - a control event.
· gotoItem
 public void gotoItem(ControlEvent e)
User has pressed the 'Goto' button to go to a selected item. Not used at the moment.

e - a control event.
· pauseTest
 public void pauseTest(ControlEvent e)
User has pressed the 'Pause' button to pause the test. Not used at the moment.

e - a control event.
· abortTest
 public void abortTest(ControlEvent e)
User has pressed the 'Abort' button to abort the test. Not used at the moment.

e - a control event.
· answerGiven
 public void answerGiven(AnswerEvent e)
Called when an answer is received.

e - the answer event.
· controlPerformed
 public void controlPerformed(ControlEvent e)
Invoked when an action occurs.

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