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Class guinea.util.BindingVector


public class BindingVector
extends Vector

Constructor Index

· BindingVector()

Method Index

· addElement(String, Object)
· bindingAt(int)
· getBinding(int)
· getBinding(Object)
· getBinding(String)
· getBindingAt(int)
· getName(int)
Get test item.
· getName(Object)
· getValue(int)
· getValue(String)
Get test item.
· indexOf(Binding)
· indexOf(Binding, int)
· indexOf(String)
Get the index of a test item.
· indexOfName(String)
· indexOfValue(Object)
Get the index of a test item.
· names()
· removeElement(String)
· removeElementValue(Object)
· values()


· BindingVector
 public BindingVector()


· getName
 public String getName(int index)
Get test item.

index - is the index to the item list
· getName
 public String getName(Object value)
· getValue
 public Object getValue(String name)
Get test item.

itemID - is the ID of item
· getValue
 public Object getValue(int index)
· indexOf
 public int indexOf(String name)
Get the index of a test item.

itemID - is a item id.
· indexOfName
 public int indexOfName(String name)
· indexOfValue
 public int indexOfValue(Object value)
Get the index of a test item.

item - is a test item.
· indexOf
 public int indexOf(Binding b)
· indexOf
 public int indexOf(Binding b,
                    int index)
· getBindingAt
 public Binding getBindingAt(int index)
· getBinding
 public Binding getBinding(int index)
· getBinding
 public Binding getBinding(String name)
· getBinding
 public Binding getBinding(Object value)
· addElement
 public void addElement(String name,
                        Object value)
· removeElement
 public void removeElement(String name)
· removeElementValue
 public void removeElementValue(Object value)
· bindingAt
 public Binding bindingAt(int index)
· names
 public Enumeration names()
· values
 public Enumeration values()

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