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Class guinea.util.CommandTokenizer


public final class CommandTokenizer
extends Object
The CommandTokenizer object tokenizes a command string used in the sound player and other things. The nextToken() returns the next token from the command string. It handles single and double quoted words and single character escapes using the backslash character. It also removes extra white spaces (use quotes or backslash to include then in tokens). The rest() method returns the rest of the command without any processing (escapes, quotes) except removing initial and trailing white space from the rest of the command.

See Also:

Constructor Index

· CommandTokenizer(String)
Construct a new command tokenizer from a string.

Method Index

· nextToken()
Get the next token from the command.
· rest()
Get the rest of the command.


· CommandTokenizer
 public CommandTokenizer(String command)
Construct a new command tokenizer from a string.

command - a string to tokenize.


· nextToken
 public String nextToken()
Get the next token from the command.

the next token as a string or null if there are no more tokens.
· rest
 public String rest()
Get the rest of the command. Initial and trailing white spaces are removed.

the rest of the command.

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