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Interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer

public interface AudioPlayer
extends Player
This is an extension of the Player-interface. This interface defined the interface needed to use audio players.

Method Index

· getAudioDevice()
Get the audio device name.
· getChannels()
Get number of channels.
· getOutputVolume()
Get the output volume level of the player.
· getSampleRate()
Get sample rate of player.
· setAudioDevice(String)
Set audio device to be used.
· setChannels(int)
Set number of channels.
· setOutputVolume(Volume)
Set the output volume level of player.
· setSampleRate(double)
Set output sample rate.


· getAudioDevice
 public abstract String getAudioDevice()
Get the audio device name.

The name of the device or null if no device name has been set (default device).
· setAudioDevice
 public abstract void setAudioDevice(String devname)
Set audio device to be used. It is generally a good idea to set the device to something else than the default device because all beeps and such go to the default device.

devname - The name of the device.
· setSampleRate
 public abstract void setSampleRate(double sampleRate)
Set output sample rate.

rate - The sample rate in Hz.
· getSampleRate
 public abstract double getSampleRate()
Get sample rate of player.

sample rate in Hz.
· getChannels
 public abstract int getChannels()
Get number of channels.

the number of channels.
· setChannels
 public abstract void setChannels(int numChannels)
Set number of channels. The maximum number is limited by the used.

numChannels - Number of channels.
· setOutputVolume
 public abstract void setOutputVolume(Volume vol)
Set the output volume level of player. The volume affects all samples and channels.

vol - the output volume level.
· getOutputVolume
 public abstract Volume getOutputVolume()
Get the output volume level of the player.

the output volume level of player.

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