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Interface guinea.player.FileSample

public interface FileSample
This interface is used to identify audio or video samples that are loaded from disk files.

Method Index

· getFilename()
Get filename of sample.
· isLoaded()
See if file is currently loaded.
· load()
Load sample file whose name has been set previously.
· load(String)
Load sample file.
· setFilename(String)
Set filename of sample.
· unload()
Unloads sample file.


· getFilename
 public abstract String getFilename()
Get filename of sample.

file name of the sample or null if not set.
· setFilename
 public abstract void setFilename(String filename)
Set filename of sample.

filename - filename of the sample.
· load
 public abstract void load() throws SampleException
Load sample file whose name has been set previously.

Throws: SampleException
if loading failed.
· load
 public abstract void load(String filename) throws SampleException
Load sample file.

filename - file name of sample.
Throws: SampleException
if loading failed.
· unload
 public abstract void unload()
Unloads sample file.

· isLoaded
 public abstract boolean isLoaded()
See if file is currently loaded.

true if sample is currently loaded.

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