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Class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest


public class GenericABCTest
extends GenericTest

Variable Index

· hiddenSampleParams
An array of parameter names that are used as hidden reference samples and so are not loaded.
· sampleParams
An array of parameter names that are used as samples.

Constructor Index

· GenericABCTest()

Method Index

· createNewSession()
· getDefaultItemTemplate()
Construct a default test item template for use with generic ABC test.
· getItemClassName()
Get the default class name of the test item used by this test.
· initItemSamples_base()
Initialize samples for this item.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· setSamplePlayer(Sample, Item, String, String)
Set the sound player for a sample based on definition in item parameter.


· sampleParams
 protected String sampleParams[]
An array of parameter names that are used as samples.

· hiddenSampleParams
 protected String hiddenSampleParams[]
An array of parameter names that are used as hidden reference samples and so are not loaded.


· GenericABCTest
 public GenericABCTest()


· initItemSamples_base
 protected void initItemSamples_base() throws Exception
Initialize samples for this item.

Throws: Exception
an exception is thrown if item samples initialization fails for some reason.
initItemSamples_base in class GenericTest
· setSamplePlayer
 protected boolean setSamplePlayer(Sample smpl,
                                   Item i,
                                   String playerParamName,
                                   String sampleParamName) throws Exception
Set the sound player for a sample based on definition in item parameter. If a player is found for the sample for this item, it will be set as the sample's player. If not, default player for test is used.

smpl - A sample object.
i - A test item.
playerParamName - The item parameter name of the parameter that has the ID of player to use. If null, sampleParamName is used as base for default player param name.
sampleParamName - The item parameter name for this sample. It is used primarily for information.
If a special player for found for this sample, true is returned, otherwise false.
Throws: Exception
An exception is thrown if named player is not found.
· getItemClassName
 public String getItemClassName()
Get the default class name of the test item used by this test.

A class name of test item, in the case of this test, it returns guinea.logic.NewGenericItem as the class name.
getItemClassName in class Test
· getDefaultItemTemplate
 public Item getDefaultItemTemplate()
Construct a default test item template for use with generic ABC test. It uses the NewGenericItem item class and sets the sample parameter names as the parameters. Subclasses may also override this with their own.

A test item template or null if class not specified or instantiation failed.
getDefaultItemTemplate in class Test
· createNewSession
 public Test createNewSession()
createNewSession in class GenericTest
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
propertyLoad in class GenericTest

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