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Interface guinea.player.VirtualPlayerSupport

public interface VirtualPlayerSupport
An extension to AudioPlayer interface for player classes that support creating virtual players.

See Also:
AudioPlayer, Player, SoundPlayer

Method Index

· allocateVirtualPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo)
Allocate a virtual audio player.
· freeVirtualPlayer(AudioPlayer)
Deallocate a virtual player.


· allocateVirtualPlayer
 public abstract AudioPlayer allocateVirtualPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo pinfo) throws PlayerException
Allocate a virtual audio player.

pinfo - Audio player information object that contains information about player to allocate.
A virtual audio player.
Throws: PlayerException
When allocating virtual player fails.
· freeVirtualPlayer
 public abstract void freeVirtualPlayer(AudioPlayer player)
Deallocate a virtual player.

player - Virtual player to deallocate.

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