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Class guinea.player.VolumePercent


public class VolumePercent
extends VolumeLinear

Constructor Index

· VolumePercent(double)
Contruct a new Volume object that is in percent scale.
· VolumePercent(Volume)
Contruct a new Volume object that is in percent scale.

Method Index

· toLinear()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
· toPercent()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.
· toString()
Get a string representation of the volume level.


· VolumePercent
 public VolumePercent(double volume)
Contruct a new Volume object that is in percent scale.

volume - the volume level in percent level.
· VolumePercent
 public VolumePercent(Volume vol)
Contruct a new Volume object that is in percent scale.

vol - a copy of volume object converted to percent scale


· toPercent
 public Volume toPercent()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.

a Volume object in percent scale.
toPercent in class Volume
· toLinear
 public Volume toLinear()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.

a Volume object in linear scale.
toLinear in class VolumeLinear
· toString
 public String toString()
Get a string representation of the volume level.

toString in class VolumeLinear

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