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Class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject


public class TestProgressMonitorObject
extends Object
implements Serializable
This is an object used to display the progress status of the test to the subject. This object stores the index of the current item and the total number of items in the test.

Variable Index

· index
The current item in the test.
· total
Total number of items in the test.

Constructor Index

· TestProgressMonitorObject(int, int)
Construct a new object with the index of the current item and total number of items.

Method Index

· getIndex()
Get index of current test.
· getTotal()
Get total number of items in the test.


· index
 public int index
The current item in the test. Indexing should start from one.

· total
 public int total
Total number of items in the test.


· TestProgressMonitorObject
 public TestProgressMonitorObject(int index,
                                  int total)
Construct a new object with the index of the current item and total number of items.

index - The index of the current item.
total - Total number of test items in the test.


· getIndex
 public int getIndex()
Get index of current test.

An index of current item.
· getTotal
 public int getTotal()
Get total number of items in the test.

Total number of items.

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