Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: ab_creation_internals.html,v 1.2 1996/04/22 19:04:34 kepa Exp $

Test Creation - A/B Test creation internals

The A/B Test creation module is the modules in which the user can edit the test.config file and configure all parameters needed to run the thest. For general overview, se the document A/B Test Creation User Manual.


The A/B Test Creation module is mainly implemented with the python module create-ab.py. This module contains one class called create-ab. It handles all user interactions with the gui.

The class config_parser.py contains all the parsing routines used to handle loading and saving test.config files. The low level parsing functions are implemented in the file parser module.

A small utility class gpPathHandler is used to handle mapping filenames to absolute path and easing path handling in general.

Dialog boxes and file requesters are implemented by the Tkinter library modules Dialog.py and FileDialog.py.

There is not much logic inside this module. Basically it initializes the GUI with test.config file contents if requested, or default values. After this it handles GUI callback procedures for variuos buttons and saves the GUI contents to test.config file when requested.

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