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Class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog


public class MCLLDialog
extends Frame
implements ControlInterface, PropertyLoader, AnswerListener, MCLLControl, ActionListener

Constructor Index

· MCLLDialog()
· MCLLDialog(String)

Method Index

· actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
· addControlListener(ControlListener)
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
· answerGiven(AnswerEvent)
· getControlValue()
Get the control value of the controller.
· isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· removeControlListener(ControlListener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
· reset()
Reset control to default value.
· setControlEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable control.
· setControlValue(Object)
The the value that this controller controls.
· setMCLL(Volume)
· setMCLLLimits(int, int)
Set the limits of the level the subject can select. Deprecated.
· setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume)
· setMCLLText(String)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.
· setMCLLTitle(String)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
· setMCLLVisible(boolean)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
· setTitle(String)
Set title of dialog.


· MCLLDialog
 public MCLLDialog()
· MCLLDialog
 public MCLLDialog(String title)


· actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
· answerGiven
 public void answerGiven(AnswerEvent e)
· setControlEnabled
 public void setControlEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable or disable control.

· isControlEnabled
 public boolean isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled.

· reset
 public void reset()
Reset control to default value.

· setTitle
 public void setTitle(String title)
Set title of dialog.

title - the title.
setTitle in class Frame
· setControlValue
 public void setControlValue(Object value)
The the value that this controller controls.

value - the value to set.
· getControlValue
 public Object getControlValue()
Get the control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
The value of the controlled variable.
· setMCLLLimits
 public void setMCLLLimits(int min,
                           int max)
Note: setMCLLLimits() is deprecated. use Volume-limits instead

Set the limits of the level the subject can select.

min - the minimum level in dB.
max - the maximum level in dB.
· setMCLLLimits
 public void setMCLLLimits(Volume min,
                           Volume max)
· setMCLLText
 public void setMCLLText(String text)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.

text - the text.
· setMCLLTitle
 public void setMCLLTitle(String title)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.

title - the title.
· setMCLLVisible
 public void setMCLLVisible(boolean visible)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.

visible - set to true to pop up the MCL level control, false to hide it.
· setMCLL
 public void setMCLL(Volume level)
· addControlListener
 public synchronized void addControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.

listener - the control listener
· removeControlListener
 public synchronized void removeControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.

listener - the control listener
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException

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