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Class guinea.logic.GenericTest


public class GenericTest
extends Test
implements PropertyLoader, Serializable
A generic base class for tests. It handles many of the duties of most tests.

Variable Index

· autoPlaySample
The sample to play automatically when item starts.
· fadeLength
The length of crossfade in free parallel sample swithing.
· fadeType
The type of crossfade, default is 'linear'.
· played
A counter that contains the names of the samples that have not(!) been played yet during current item.
· playName
Name of control that does the playing control.
· sampleComb
A combination of samples that are used to implement cross-fading.
· sampleHash
A table of samples used during current test item.
· showSamplePlaying
Whether to show to the subject which sample is currently playing.

Constructor Index

· GenericTest()

Method Index

· controlPerformed(ControlEvent, SessionSubject)
Process control messages from the subject UI.
· createNewSession()
· endItemSamples()
Unload samples and do sample clean-ups when current item has ended.
· endItemSamples_base()
Common clean-up routines for item samples.
· endItemSamples_free()
Do sample clean-ups for free-sequence samples.
· endItemSamples_seq()
Do sample clean-ups for fixed-sequence samples.
· getSampleSwitchingFadeLength()
Get the length of crossfade.
· getSampleSwitchingFadeType()
Get the cross-fade type.
· hasListenedSamples()
Tests whether all item samples have been listened to.
· initItemSamples()
Load and create sample objects for playing.
· initItemSamples_base()
Called by the initItemSamples() method to do basic initialization of samples.
· initItemSamples_free()
Called by the initItemSamples() method to do additional initializations needed for free-sequence tests.
· initItemSamples_seq()
Called by the initItemSamples() method to do additional initializations needed for fixed-sequence tests.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· runItem()
Run the current item.
· runSequence()
Run the sample sequence.
· samplePlay(String)
Play an item sample.
· setSampleSwitchingFadeLength(double)
Set the length of the crossfade from one sample to another.
· setSampleSwitchingFadeType(String)
Set the cross-fade type.


· sampleComb
 protected transient ParallelSamples sampleComb
A combination of samples that are used to implement cross-fading.

· sampleHash
 protected transient Hashtable sampleHash
A table of samples used during current test item. Keys are sample parameter names, such as A, B, or Ref.

· autoPlaySample
 protected String autoPlaySample
The sample to play automatically when item starts.

· played
 protected transient KeyCounter played
A counter that contains the names of the samples that have not(!) been played yet during current item. This parameter name will probably be changed in the future, since the name is a bit misleading.

· playName
 protected String playName
Name of control that does the playing control. The default is play.

· showSamplePlaying
 protected boolean showSamplePlaying
Whether to show to the subject which sample is currently playing. Default is true.

· fadeLength
 protected double fadeLength
The length of crossfade in free parallel sample swithing. The value is given in seconds. The default is 0.04 (40ms).

· fadeType
 protected String fadeType
The type of crossfade, default is 'linear'.

See Also:


· GenericTest
 public GenericTest()


· setSampleSwitchingFadeType
 public void setSampleSwitchingFadeType(String fadeType)
Set the cross-fade type.

fadeType - the type of fade.
See Also:
· getSampleSwitchingFadeType
 public String getSampleSwitchingFadeType()
Get the cross-fade type.

the type of the cross-fade.
See Also:
· setSampleSwitchingFadeLength
 public void setSampleSwitchingFadeLength(double fadeLength)
Set the length of the crossfade from one sample to another.

fadeLength - the length of fade in seconds.
See Also:
· getSampleSwitchingFadeLength
 public double getSampleSwitchingFadeLength()
Get the length of crossfade.

the length of crossfade in seconds.
See Also:
· runSequence
 protected void runSequence() throws InterruptedException
Run the sample sequence.

Throws: InterruptedException
an exception is thrown if sequence was interrupted for some reason .
runSequence in class Test
· runItem
 protected void runItem() throws InterruptedException
Run the current item. This method is run at the start of item after it has been initialized when using free sequence.

Throws: InterruptedException
an exception is thrown if sequence was interrupted for some reason .
runItem in class Test
· initItemSamples
 protected void initItemSamples() throws Exception
Load and create sample objects for playing. Information about samples are read from the information about the current item. The initItemSamples_base() method is called for common basic initialization of item samples. In addition, based on the type of selected sequence type, either initItemSamples_free() or initItemSamples_seq() is called.

Throws: Exception
initialization of samples may throw a exception if something went wrong.
initItemSamples in class Test
See Also:
initItemSamples_base, initItemSamples_free, initItemSamples_seq
· initItemSamples_base
 protected void initItemSamples_base() throws Exception
Called by the initItemSamples() method to do basic initialization of samples. This method makes sure the item samples are loaded. Sub-classes generally extend this method to decode the item parameters to get samples of the current item.

Throws: Exception
Initialization of samples may throw a exception if something went wrong.
See Also:
· initItemSamples_free
 protected void initItemSamples_free() throws Exception
Called by the initItemSamples() method to do additional initializations needed for free-sequence tests. In this case, a parallel sample is created to handle cross-fading between item samples.

Throws: Exception
Initialization of samples may throw a exception if something went wrong.
See Also:
· initItemSamples_seq
 protected void initItemSamples_seq() throws Exception
Called by the initItemSamples() method to do additional initializations needed for fixed-sequence tests. In this case, nothing needs to be done.

Throws: Exception
Initialization of samples may throw a exception if something went wrong.
See Also:
· endItemSamples
 protected void endItemSamples()
Unload samples and do sample clean-ups when current item has ended. Based on the selected sequence type, either endItemSamples_free() or endItemSamples_seq() is called to do sample cleanup routines. Last, the endItemSamples_base() is called to unload the samples.

endItemSamples in class Test
See Also:
endItemSamples_base, endItemSamples_free, endItemSamples_seq
· endItemSamples_base
 protected void endItemSamples_base()
Common clean-up routines for item samples. It is called by the endItemSamples() method to unload all samples after free or fixed-sequence clean-ups have been done.

See Also:
· endItemSamples_free
 protected void endItemSamples_free()
Do sample clean-ups for free-sequence samples. It is called by the endItemSamples() method. This method stops and destroys (breaks up) the parallel sample created for performing cross-fading.

See Also:
· endItemSamples_seq
 protected void endItemSamples_seq()
Do sample clean-ups for fixed-sequence samples. It is called by the endItemSamples() method. This method stops all samples.

See Also:
· hasListenedSamples
 protected boolean hasListenedSamples()
Tests whether all item samples have been listened to.

True if all item samples have been played.
· samplePlay
 protected void samplePlay(String name)
Play an item sample.

name - The name of sample to play. In this context, the names are parameter names, such as A, B, or Ref. A null name stops current sample.
· controlPerformed
 public void controlPerformed(ControlEvent e,
                              SessionSubject subj)
Process control messages from the subject UI. This method catches and processes the events from the 'sample-play' controller. Other events are passed to the super-class for processing.

e - A control event.
subj - The session subject that sent this event.
controlPerformed in class Test
See Also:
samplePlay, playName
· createNewSession
 public Test createNewSession()
createNewSession in class Test
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
propertyLoad in class Test

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