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Class guinea.logic.SessionSubject


public class SessionSubject
extends Object
implements ControlListener, AnswerListener, SubjectUIListener

Variable Index

· active
Is this session subject active?
· answers
The answers given by this subject for the current test item.
· currentItem
The subject's own copy of the current test item.
· doneTime
The ending time of testing the current item.
· group
The subject group this subject belongs to.
The subject has finished grading this item and pressed the 'Done'-button on the UI panel.
The subject is currently testing the current item.
The time limit for grading this item has expored.
· itemStatus
The test/item status of this subject.
· requiredAnswers
A list of questions (question IDs) whose answers are required before can proceed to next item.
· sessionID
The session ID of the current session.
· subjectID
The subject ID of this subject.
· test
The test that is being tested by the subject.
The subject has aborted the session.
The subject has finished testing all items.
· ui
The subject UI panel of this subject.
· warn

Constructor Index

· SessionSubject()
Create a new session subject.
· SessionSubject(SubjectUI)
Create a new session subject.
· SessionSubject(Test, SubjectUI)
Create a new session subject.

Method Index

· abortTest(ControlEvent)
· answerGiven(AnswerEvent)
· controlPerformed(ControlEvent)
· doneItem(ControlEvent)
· getAnswer(String)
Get answer given for this item from current answers table.
· getControl(String)
· getControlValue(String)
Get the control value of the controller.
· getCurrentItem()
Get current test item.
· getDoneTime()
· getItemStatus()
· getParameter(String)
Get value of an item parameter.
· getParameter(String, Object)
Get value of an item parameter.
· getQuestion(String)
· getSessionID()
· getSessionSubjectGroup()
· getSubjectID()
· getSubjectUI()
· getTest()
· gotoItem(ControlEvent)
· hasAllAnswers()
Have all required answers been answered.
· hasSubjectUI()
· hasTest()
· isActive()
· nextItem(ControlEvent)
· pauseTest(ControlEvent)
· prevItem(ControlEvent)
· removeCurrentItem()
Remove current item.
· removeSubjectUI()
· resetSubj()
· resetSubjectUI()
· resetTimeout()
Reset the indicator to default (inactive) state.
· setActive(boolean)
· setAnswer(String, Object)
Set answer given by subject for a question in answers table.
· setControlsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all control components.
· setControlValue(String, Object)
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.
· setCurrentItem(Item)
Set current item for this session subject.
· setDoneEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.
· setDoneTime(long)
· setDoneTime(long, int)
· setEnabled(boolean)
· setItemAnswers()
Save answers given during this item into subject's own copy for storing.
· setItemStatus(int)
· setMonitorValue(String, Object)
Set the value of the monitored variable.
· setQuestionAnswer(String, Object)
· setQuestionsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all question or answer components.
· setSessionID(String)
· setSessionSubjectGroup(SessionSubjectGroup)
· setSubjectID(String)
· setSubjectUI(SubjectUI)
· setTest(Test)
· setTimeoutTimes(int)
Set the timeout time.
· setTimeoutTimes(int, int)
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.
· setTimeoutVisible(boolean)
Set visibility of warning indicator.
· startTimeoutWarning()
Start the timeout warning and the countdown display.
· toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


· ui
 protected SubjectUI ui
The subject UI panel of this subject.

· warn
 protected WarningDisplayer warn
· active
 protected boolean active
Is this session subject active?

 public static final int ITEM_IDLE
 public static final int ITEM_RUNNING
The subject is currently testing the current item.

 public static final int ITEM_DONE
The subject has finished grading this item and pressed the 'Done'-button on the UI panel.

 public static final int ITEM_TIMED_OUT
The time limit for grading this item has expored.

 public static final int TEST_ABORTED
The subject has aborted the session.

 public static final int TEST_FINISHED
The subject has finished testing all items.

· itemStatus
 protected transient int itemStatus
The test/item status of this subject.

· answers
 protected Hashtable answers
The answers given by this subject for the current test item.

See Also:
setItemAnswers, getAnswer, setAnswer
· subjectID
 protected String subjectID
The subject ID of this subject.

· sessionID
 protected String sessionID
The session ID of the current session.

· doneTime
 protected long doneTime
The ending time of testing the current item.

· test
 protected Test test
The test that is being tested by the subject.

· group
 protected SessionSubjectGroup group
The subject group this subject belongs to.

· currentItem
 protected Item currentItem
The subject's own copy of the current test item. It is used to store answers and other information about testing he current item by this subject.

· requiredAnswers
 protected String requiredAnswers[]
A list of questions (question IDs) whose answers are required before can proceed to next item. If not set, all questions in the subject's panel are required.


· SessionSubject
 public SessionSubject()
Create a new session subject.

· SessionSubject
 public SessionSubject(SubjectUI ui)
Create a new session subject.

ui - The UI panel for this subject.
· SessionSubject
 public SessionSubject(Test test,
                       SubjectUI ui)
Create a new session subject.

test - The test the subject is participating in.
ui - The UI panel for this subject.


· setTest
 public void setTest(Test test)
· getTest
 public Test getTest()
· hasTest
 public boolean hasTest()
· setSubjectUI
 public void setSubjectUI(SubjectUI ui)
· removeSubjectUI
 public void removeSubjectUI()
· getSubjectUI
 public SubjectUI getSubjectUI()
· hasSubjectUI
 public boolean hasSubjectUI()
· setSubjectID
 public void setSubjectID(String id)
· getSubjectID
 public String getSubjectID()
· setSessionID
 public void setSessionID(String id)
· getSessionID
 public String getSessionID()
· setDoneTime
 public synchronized void setDoneTime(long time)
· setDoneTime
 public synchronized void setDoneTime(long time,
                                      int status)
· getDoneTime
 public long getDoneTime()
· getItemStatus
 public int getItemStatus()
· setItemStatus
 public synchronized void setItemStatus(int status)
· getSessionSubjectGroup
 public SessionSubjectGroup getSessionSubjectGroup()
· setSessionSubjectGroup
 public synchronized void setSessionSubjectGroup(SessionSubjectGroup group)
· setCurrentItem
 public void setCurrentItem(Item item)
Set current item for this session subject. Answers stored in the item are copied to the local answers table.

item - A test item. If null, calls removeCurrentItem() instead.
See Also:
· getCurrentItem
 public Item getCurrentItem()
Get current test item.

The current test item or null if not currently set.
· removeCurrentItem
 public Item removeCurrentItem()
Remove current item. Also local answers table is removed.

The removed current item. Maybe null if there was no item set.
· setAnswer
 public Object setAnswer(String qid,
                         Object answer)
Set answer given by subject for a question in answers table.

qid - Question ID.
answer - The answer. A null removes answer for this question.
A previous answer given to this question or null if this question hasn't been answered yet.
See Also:
· getAnswer
 public Object getAnswer(String qid)
Get answer given for this item from current answers table.

qid - Question ID.
An answer that has been given to this question or null if no answer hasn't been given yet.
See Also:
· setItemAnswers
 public void setItemAnswers()
Save answers given during this item into subject's own copy for storing.

· hasAllAnswers
 public boolean hasAllAnswers()
Have all required answers been answered.

True if all required answers have been answered. Also, if there are no questions or questions that require answers, true is returned. Otherwise false is returned.
· getParameter
 public Object getParameter(String pname,
                            Object def)
Get value of an item parameter. If subject's copy of current item doesn't have a value for given parameter, the value is looked for in the subject's group. If no value is found there, a default is returned.

pname - Name of parameter whose value is wanted.
def - Default value to use if no value is found in subject's current item or in the group's.
A value of parameter or, if no parameter value was found, the value of the def argument.
· getParameter
 public Object getParameter(String pname)
Get value of an item parameter. If subject's copy of current item doesn't have a value for given parameter, the value is looked for in the subject's group.

pname - Name of parameter whose value is wanted.
A value of parameter or, if no parameter value was found, null is returnd.
· isActive
 public boolean isActive()
· setActive
 public boolean setActive(boolean active)
· getControl
 public ControlInterface getControl(String name)
· getQuestion
 public QuestionInterface getQuestion(String name)
· resetSubj
 public synchronized void resetSubj()
· controlPerformed
 public void controlPerformed(ControlEvent e)
· answerGiven
 public void answerGiven(AnswerEvent e)
· doneItem
 public void doneItem(ControlEvent e)
· nextItem
 public void nextItem(ControlEvent e)
· prevItem
 public void prevItem(ControlEvent e)
· gotoItem
 public void gotoItem(ControlEvent e)
· pauseTest
 public void pauseTest(ControlEvent e)
· abortTest
 public void abortTest(ControlEvent e)
· resetSubjectUI
 public void resetSubjectUI()
· setEnabled
 public void setEnabled(boolean enable)
· setQuestionsEnabled
 public void setQuestionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all question or answer components.

· setControlsEnabled
 public void setControlsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all control components.

· setDoneEnabled
 public void setDoneEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.

· setQuestionAnswer
 public void setQuestionAnswer(String questionID,
                               Object answer)
· setMonitorValue
 public void setMonitorValue(String monitorID,
                             Object value)
Set the value of the monitored variable.

monitorID - The ID of the monitor component.
value - The value of the monitored variable.
· setControlValue
 public void setControlValue(String controlID,
                             Object value)
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
value - The value of the controlled variable.
· getControlValue
 public Object getControlValue(String controlID)
Get the control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
The value of the controlled variable.
· setTimeoutVisible
 public void setTimeoutVisible(boolean visible)
Set visibility of warning indicator.

visble - true makes the indicator visible to subject. When false, no indicator is shown.
· setTimeoutTimes
 public void setTimeoutTimes(int timeoutTime,
                             int warningTime)
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.

timeoutTime - How much time there is to answer before the timeout expires. The timeout is in milliseconds.
warningTime - When to show that time is about to run out. It is the number of milliseconds before the timeout.
See Also:
· setTimeoutTimes
 public void setTimeoutTimes(int timeoutTime)
Set the timeout time. No warning is shown before going directly to timeout.

timeoutTime - How much time there is to answer before the timeout expires. The timeout is in milliseconds.
· startTimeoutWarning
 public void startTimeoutWarning()
Start the timeout warning and the countdown display.

· resetTimeout
 public void resetTimeout()
Reset the indicator to default (inactive) state.

· toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object

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