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Class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog


public class MCLLDialog
extends Frame
implements ControlInterface, PropertyLoader, MCLLControl
The MCLLDialog is used to display a dialog where the subject can set a comfortable listening level using a volume slider. The parameters are usually passed to the dialog from the test engine via the MCLLControl interface of the subject UI panel. VolumeGradeBar is used for the slider.

See Also:
MCLLControl, VolumeGradeBar

Variable Index

· defaultPattern
Default pattern for displaying the current level.

Constructor Index

· MCLLDialog()
Construct a new MCLL dialog object with default values.
· MCLLDialog(String)
Construct a new MCLL dialog object with default values.

Method Index

· addControlListener(ControlListener)
Add a control listener to receive events from this control component.
· getControlValue()
Get the control value of the controller.
· isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· removeControlListener(ControlListener)
Remove a control listener so that control events are no longer sent to that listener.
· reset()
Reset control to default value.
· setControlEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable control.
· setControlValue(Object)
The value that this controller controls.
· setMCLL(Volume)
Set current level in volume slider.
· setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume)
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.
· setMCLLText(String)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.
· setMCLLTitle(String)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
· setMCLLVisible(boolean)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
· setTitle(String)
Set title of dialog.


· defaultPattern
 protected static final String defaultPattern
Default pattern for displaying the current level.


· MCLLDialog
 public MCLLDialog()
Construct a new MCLL dialog object with default values.

· MCLLDialog
 public MCLLDialog(String title)
Construct a new MCLL dialog object with default values.

title - The title for the dialog.


· setControlEnabled
 public void setControlEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable or disable control.

enable - True enables, false disables the component.
· isControlEnabled
 public boolean isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled.

True if enabled.
· reset
 public void reset()
Reset control to default value.

· setTitle
 public void setTitle(String title)
Set title of dialog.

title - the title.
setTitle in class Frame
· setControlValue
 public void setControlValue(Object value)
The value that this controller controls.

value - The value to set.
· getControlValue
 public Object getControlValue()
Get the control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
The value of the controlled variable.
· setMCLLLimits
 public void setMCLLLimits(Volume min,
                           Volume max)
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.

min - The minimum level.
max - The maximum level.
· setMCLLText
 public void setMCLLText(String text)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.

text - the text.
· setMCLLTitle
 public void setMCLLTitle(String title)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.

title - the title.
· setMCLLVisible
 public void setMCLLVisible(boolean visible)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.

visible - set to true to pop up the MCL level control, false to hide it.
· setMCLL
 public void setMCLL(Volume level)
Set current level in volume slider.

level - A Volume level.
· addControlListener
 public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Add a control listener to receive events from this control component.

listener - a listener
· removeControlListener
 public void removeControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Remove a control listener so that control events are no longer sent to that listener.

listener - a listener
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException

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