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Class guinea.ui.LineScale


public class LineScale
extends BaseGrader
implements AdjustmentListener, QuestionInterface, ControlInterface, PropertyLoader
LineScale is a UI component with a continuous scale. The minimum and maximum values of the grade can be specified as well as number of decimal places and possible "anchors".

Variable Index

· labelFont
· slider

Constructor Index

· LineScale()
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters and no question.
· LineScale(double, double, int)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.
· LineScale(double, double, int, String)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.
· LineScale(String)
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters.

Method Index

· getAdjustable()
· getAdjustable(Component)
· getAdjustableComponent()
· getLabelFont()
· initAdjustable(Adjustable)
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· setLabelFont(Font)
Set font of the question text.


· slider
 protected Slider slider
· labelFont
 protected Font labelFont


· LineScale
 public LineScale()
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters and no question.

· LineScale
 public LineScale(String qtext)
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters.

qtext - Text of question.
· LineScale
 public LineScale(double minVal,
                  double maxVal,
                  int decimals)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.

minVal - minimum value of grade.
maxVal - maximum value of grade.
decimals - number of decimals.
· LineScale
 public LineScale(double minVal,
                  double maxVal,
                  int decimals,
                  String qtext)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.

minVal - minimum value of grade.
maxVal - maximum value of grade.
decimals - number of decimals.
qtext - text of question.


· getAdjustableComponent
 public Component getAdjustableComponent()
getAdjustableComponent in class BaseGrader
· getAdjustable
 public Adjustable getAdjustable(Component c)
getAdjustable in class BaseGrader
· getAdjustable
 public Adjustable getAdjustable()
getAdjustable in class BaseGrader
· initAdjustable
 public void initAdjustable(Adjustable adj)
initAdjustable in class BaseGrader
· setLabelFont
 public void setLabelFont(Font f)
Set font of the question text.

f - An AWT font object.
· getLabelFont
 public Font getLabelFont()
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
propertyLoad in class BaseGrader

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