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Class guinea.ui.Slider


public class Slider
extends Component
implements Adjustable, Serializable
An adjustable AWT component similar to java.awt.Scrollbar component. This version uses a slider that is similar to Java's Swing component JSlider.

See Also:
Adjustable, Scrollbar, LineScale, GradeBar

Variable Index

· adjustmentListener
List of event listeners.
· curValue
Current value.
· eventWhenMoved
· fixedLineLength
Minimum length of slider's line (in pixels).
· knob
The polygon used to draw slider's knob.
· knobCoordsUpdated
· knobFillColor
The slider knob's fill color.
· knobSize
Size of the slider knob.
· labelFont
Font used for the labels.
· lineCoords
· lineCoordsUpdated
· lineFillColor
The slider line's fill color.
· lineYPos
The Y coordinate of the slider line from the top of the component.
· maxValue
Maximum value.
· minValue
Minimum value.
· numTicks
Number of ticks.
· pressed
· size
Size of component.
· sliderArea
· sliderOffset
Offset of the slider's line from the left and right edge of the component.
· ticks
· xPos
· yPos

Constructor Index

· Slider()

Method Index

· addAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener)
Add a listener to recieve adjustment events when the value of the adjustable object changes.
· addTick(int)
Add a tick (without a label) to the slider.
· addTick(int, String)
Add a tick and corresponding label to the slider.
· addTick(int, String, int)
Add a tick and corresponding label to the slider.
· createKnob()
· drawKnob(Graphics)
Draw slider's knob.
· drawLine()
Draw the grading line on the slider component.
· drawLine(Graphics, Dimension)
Draw the grading line on the slider component.
· eraseKnob(Graphics)
Erase slider's knob.
· getBlockIncrement()
Gets the block value increment for the adjustable object.
· getKnobSize()
· getLabelFont()
Get the font used for drawing labels.
· getMaximum()
Gets the maximum value of the adjustable object.
· getMinimum()
Gets the minimum value of the adjustable object.
· getMinimumSize()
Gets the mininimum size of this component.
· getOrientation()
Gets the orientation of the adjustable object.
· getPreferredSize()
Gets the preferred size of this component.
· getSliderOffset()
· getUnitIncrement()
Gets the unit value increment for the adjustable object.
· getValue()
Gets the current value of the adjustable object.
· getVisibleAmount()
Gets the length of the propertional indicator.
· handleMouse(MouseEvent)
· initEvents()
· invalidate()
Invalidate cached coordinates and sizes.
· invalidateTicks()
Invalidate cached coordinates and sizes calculated in the ticks.
· main(String[])
· paint(Graphics)
Paints this component.
· postEvent()
Create an adjustment event and send it to listeners.
· processAdjustmentEvent(AdjustmentEvent)
Process adjustment event (send it to listeners).
· processMouseEvent(MouseEvent)
Processes mouse events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseListener objects.
· processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent)
Processes mouse motion events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseMotionListener objects.
· recalculateKnobCoords()
· recalculateKnobCoords(int)
· recalculateLineCoords(Dimension)
· removeAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener)
Removes an adjustment listener.
· removeAllTicks()
Remove all ticks and labels from this slider.
· setBlockIncrement(int)
Sets the block value increment for the adjustable object.
· setBounds(int, int, int, int)
Set size and location of the component.
· setEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable component.
· setKnobSize(int)
· setLabelFont(Font)
Set font for labels.
· setLineLength(int)
Set minimum length of slider line in pixels.
· setMaximum(int)
Sets the maximum value of the adjustable object.
· setMinimum(int)
Sets the minimum value of the adjustable object.
· setSliderOffset(int)
· setUnitIncrement(int)
Sets the unit value increment for the adjustable object.
· setValue(int)
Sets the current value of the adjustable object.
· setVisibleAmount(int)
Sets the length of the proportionl indicator of the adjustable object.
· setWhenEvent(int)
· translateCoordToValue(int)
Translate an x-coordinate (got from a mouse event, for example) to adjustable value corresponding to the coordinate.
· translateValueToCoord(int)
Translate an adjustable-value to a corresponding component's x-coordinate for drawing, for example.


· size
 protected transient Dimension size
Size of component.

· lineYPos
 protected int lineYPos
The Y coordinate of the slider line from the top of the component. Default is 10.

· knobSize
 protected int knobSize
Size of the slider knob. Default is 10.

· knob
 protected Polygon knob
The polygon used to draw slider's knob.

· sliderOffset
 protected int sliderOffset
Offset of the slider's line from the left and right edge of the component. Default is 10.

· fixedLineLength
 protected int fixedLineLength
Minimum length of slider's line (in pixels). The slider's length is at least this long. Default is 0.

· xPos
 protected transient int xPos
· yPos
 protected transient int yPos
· minValue
 protected int minValue
Minimum value.

· maxValue
 protected int maxValue
Maximum value.

· curValue
 protected transient int curValue
Current value.

· knobCoordsUpdated
 protected transient boolean knobCoordsUpdated
· lineCoordsUpdated
 protected transient boolean lineCoordsUpdated
· lineCoords
 protected transient Rectangle lineCoords
· knobFillColor
 protected Color knobFillColor
The slider knob's fill color.

· lineFillColor
 protected Color lineFillColor
The slider line's fill color.

· labelFont
 protected Font labelFont
Font used for the labels.

· sliderArea
 protected transient Rectangle sliderArea
· ticks
 protected Slider. Tick ticks[]

· numTicks
 protected int numTicks
Number of ticks.

· pressed
 protected transient boolean pressed
· eventWhenMoved
 protected boolean eventWhenMoved

 public static final int EVENT_WHEN_MOVED
 public static final int EVENT_WHEN_RELEASED
· adjustmentListener
 protected AdjustmentListener adjustmentListener
List of event listeners.


· Slider
 public Slider()


· createKnob
 protected Polygon createKnob()
· initEvents
 protected void initEvents()
· setWhenEvent
 public void setWhenEvent(int type)
· paint
 public synchronized void paint(Graphics g)
Paints this component.

paint in class Component
· recalculateLineCoords
 protected void recalculateLineCoords(Dimension s)
· drawLine
 protected void drawLine()
Draw the grading line on the slider component.

· drawLine
 protected void drawLine(Graphics g,
                         Dimension s)
Draw the grading line on the slider component.

· translateCoordToValue
 protected int translateCoordToValue(int x)
Translate an x-coordinate (got from a mouse event, for example) to adjustable value corresponding to the coordinate.

x - A coordinate to translate to an adjustable-value.
An adjustable value corresponding to x-coordinate.
· translateValueToCoord
 protected int translateValueToCoord(int value)
Translate an adjustable-value to a corresponding component's x-coordinate for drawing, for example.

value - An adjustable value to translate to corresponding component coordinate.
A x-coordinate corresponding to translated value.
· recalculateKnobCoords
 protected void recalculateKnobCoords(int value)
· recalculateKnobCoords
 protected void recalculateKnobCoords()
· drawKnob
 protected void drawKnob(Graphics g)
Draw slider's knob.

g - A graphics object.
· eraseKnob
 protected void eraseKnob(Graphics g)
Erase slider's knob.

g - A graphics object.
· setEnabled
 public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable component.

enabled - Is component enabled.
setEnabled in class Component
· setSliderOffset
 public void setSliderOffset(int offset)
· getSliderOffset
 public int getSliderOffset()
· setKnobSize
 public void setKnobSize(int size)
· getKnobSize
 public int getKnobSize()
· setBounds
 public void setBounds(int x,
                       int y,
                       int width,
                       int height)
Set size and location of the component. Also invalidates cached position calculations in parts and ticks.

x - X-coordinate.
y - X-coordinate.
width - Width of component.
height - Height of component.
setBounds in class Component
See Also:
· getMinimumSize
 public Dimension getMinimumSize()
Gets the mininimum size of this component.

getMinimumSize in class Component
· getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
Gets the preferred size of this component.

getPreferredSize in class Component
· setLineLength
 public void setLineLength(int len)
Set minimum length of slider line in pixels.

len - Length of line in pixels.
· getLabelFont
 public Font getLabelFont()
Get the font used for drawing labels.

A Java font.
· setLabelFont
 public void setLabelFont(Font font)
Set font for labels.

font - A font.
· removeAllTicks
 public void removeAllTicks()
Remove all ticks and labels from this slider.

· addTick
 public void addTick(int value,
                     String label,
                     int level)
Add a tick and corresponding label to the slider.

value - The slider position where to set the tick.
label - A label to be shown below the tick. If null, no label is shown, only a tick.
level - Zero is default value. Use one, two, etc. to write the label below the previous level. Usefull if many labels are used and they tend to overlap.
· addTick
 public void addTick(int value,
                     String label)
Add a tick and corresponding label to the slider.

value - The slider position where to set the tick.
label - A label to be shown below the tick. If null, no label is shown, only a tick.
· addTick
 public void addTick(int value)
Add a tick (without a label) to the slider.

value - The slider position where to set the tick.
· invalidate
 public void invalidate()
Invalidate cached coordinates and sizes. Forces recalculation of them when needed next time. Also invalidates values calculated in ticks.

invalidate in class Component
See Also:
· invalidateTicks
 protected void invalidateTicks()
Invalidate cached coordinates and sizes calculated in the ticks. Forces recalculation of them when needed next time.

· processMouseEvent
 protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
Processes mouse events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseListener objects.

processMouseEvent in class Component
· processMouseMotionEvent
 protected void processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)
Processes mouse motion events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseMotionListener objects.

processMouseMotionEvent in class Component
· handleMouse
 protected void handleMouse(MouseEvent e)
· getOrientation
 public int getOrientation()
Gets the orientation of the adjustable object.

· setMinimum
 public void setMinimum(int min)
Sets the minimum value of the adjustable object.

min - the minimum value
· getMinimum
 public int getMinimum()
Gets the minimum value of the adjustable object.

· setMaximum
 public void setMaximum(int max)
Sets the maximum value of the adjustable object.

max - the maximum value
· getMaximum
 public int getMaximum()
Gets the maximum value of the adjustable object.

· setUnitIncrement
 public void setUnitIncrement(int u)
Sets the unit value increment for the adjustable object.

u - the unit increment
· getUnitIncrement
 public int getUnitIncrement()
Gets the unit value increment for the adjustable object.

· setBlockIncrement
 public void setBlockIncrement(int b)
Sets the block value increment for the adjustable object.

b - the block increment
· getBlockIncrement
 public int getBlockIncrement()
Gets the block value increment for the adjustable object. This is not currently used.

Currently, 1 is always returned.
· setVisibleAmount
 public void setVisibleAmount(int v)
Sets the length of the proportionl indicator of the adjustable object. This is not currently used.

v - Currently this is ignored.
· getVisibleAmount
 public int getVisibleAmount()
Gets the length of the propertional indicator.

· setValue
 public void setValue(int v)
Sets the current value of the adjustable object. This value must be within the range defined by the minimum and maximum values for this object.

v - the current value
· getValue
 public int getValue()
Gets the current value of the adjustable object.

Current value of the adjustable object.
· postEvent
 protected void postEvent()
Create an adjustment event and send it to listeners.

See Also:
· processAdjustmentEvent
 protected void processAdjustmentEvent(AdjustmentEvent e)
Process adjustment event (send it to listeners).

e - An adjustment event.
· addAdjustmentListener
 public void addAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener l)
Add a listener to recieve adjustment events when the value of the adjustable object changes.

l - The listener to recieve events.
See Also:
AWTEventMulticaster, AdjustmentEvent
· removeAdjustmentListener
 public void removeAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener l)
Removes an adjustment listener.

l - The listener being removed.
See Also:
AWTEventMulticaster, AdjustmentEvent
· main
 public static void main(String args[])

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