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Class guinea.util.ExpandPath


public class ExpandPath
extends Object
implements ExpandPathHook
A class that expands variables in string as in UNIX-shell variable expansion. It is for use for expanding file names but can be used to expand any string also.

Objects may also registered as hooks to the path expander to add new variables depending on context.

Variable Index

· defVars
Default variables for expansion.
· undefinedVar

Constructor Index

· ExpandPath()
Construct a new variable expander.
· ExpandPath(Dictionary)
Construct a new variable expander.

Method Index

· addExpandHook(ExpandPathHook)
Add an expander hook.
· callHooks(String, Dictionary)
Look for a value for a variable in added hooks.
· expand(String)
Expand variables in string.
· expand(String, Dictionary)
Expand variables in string.
· expand(String, Dictionary, ParsePosition, char)
Expand string with variables.
· expandVar(String, Dictionary)
Expand variable as in zsh-shell variable expansion.
· expandVariableValue(String, Dictionary, ExpandPath)
Get value of a variable.
· getNextChar(String, ParsePosition)
Get next character from string.
· getVarValue(String, Dictionary)
Get value of a variable.
· isEmpty(String)
Test whether a string is empty.
· main(String[])
· removeExpandHook(ExpandPathHook)
Remove an expander hook.


· undefinedVar
 public static final Object undefinedVar
· defVars
 protected Dictionary defVars
Default variables for expansion.


· ExpandPath
 public ExpandPath()
Construct a new variable expander. No default variables are set.

· ExpandPath
 public ExpandPath(Dictionary vars)
Construct a new variable expander.

vars - Default variables for expansion.


· expand
 public String expand(String path)
Expand variables in string. Default variables are used as expansion variables.

path - A string to expand.
The path with variables in it expanded.
See Also:
· expand
 public String expand(String path,
                      Dictionary vars)
Expand variables in string.

path - A string to expand.
vars - Variables.
The path with variables in it expanded.
· expand
 protected String expand(String path,
                         Dictionary vars,
                         ParsePosition pos,
                         char endChar)
Expand string with variables.

path - String to process.
vars - Variables used for substitution.
pos - Current position on the path.
endChar - Character that marks the end of current variable block.
· getVarValue
 protected String getVarValue(String varName,
                              Dictionary vars)
Get value of a variable. Looks for a value for the variable in this order: calls expand hooks, look up variable in vars, handles variables named HOME, CWD, USER, looks for a value in system properties.

varName - Name of variable.
vars - A table of variable values.
Get value of variable. If value not found, returns null.
See Also:
· expandVar
 protected String expandVar(String varName,
                            Dictionary vars)
Expand variable as in zsh-shell variable expansion.

varName - Variable name or a variable spec.
vars - Variables.
Expanded variable.
· isEmpty
 protected static final boolean isEmpty(String s)
Test whether a string is empty.

s - String to test.
True if s is null or the length of s is zero. Otherwise returns false.
· getNextChar
 protected char getNextChar(String str,
                            ParsePosition pos)
Get next character from string. Current position is taken from the pos parameter which is also incremented when next character is taken.

str - A string where to get the current character.
pos - Position of the current character.
The character in the string at position pos.
· addExpandHook
 public synchronized void addExpandHook(ExpandPathHook hook)
Add an expander hook.

hook - A path expander hook.
· removeExpandHook
 public synchronized boolean removeExpandHook(ExpandPathHook hook)
Remove an expander hook.

hook - A path expander hook.
True if hook was included in this expander's hook list, false if not.
· callHooks
 protected String callHooks(String varName,
                            Dictionary vars)
Look for a value for a variable in added hooks. Hooks are called until a hook returns a value.

varName - Variable name.
vars - Default variables.
Value of variable or null if no value was found.
· expandVariableValue
 public String expandVariableValue(String varName,
                                   Dictionary vars,
                                   ExpandPath expander)
Get value of a variable. This is used to add another path expander as a hook to another.

varName - A variable name to expand.
vars - A dictionary of values.
expander - The path expander object that called this hook.
A variable's value as a string or null if variable has no value or is unknown to this hook object.
· main
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

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