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Class guinea.util.ExtProperties


public class ExtProperties
extends Properties
ExtProperties is a simple extension to the Java's Properties class. This class allows setting properties.

See Also:

Constructor Index

· ExtProperties()
Creates an empty property list with no default values.
· ExtProperties(Properties)
Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.

Method Index

· copyPropertiesFrom(Properties, boolean)
· getDefaults()
· getProperty(String, Properties)
· getProperty(String, Properties, String)
· setDefaults(Properties)
· setProperty(String, Object)
Set a property.


· ExtProperties
 public ExtProperties()
Creates an empty property list with no default values.

· ExtProperties
 public ExtProperties(Properties defaults)
Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.

defaults - the defaults.


· getProperty
 public String getProperty(String key,
                           Properties defaults)
· getProperty
 public String getProperty(String key,
                           Properties defaults,
                           String defaultValue)
· setProperty
 public void setProperty(String pname,
                         Object value)
Set a property.

pname - property name.
value - property's value.
· setDefaults
 public void setDefaults(Properties defaults)
· getDefaults
 public Properties getDefaults()
· copyPropertiesFrom
 public void copyPropertiesFrom(Properties p,
                                boolean override)

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