Mauri Honkanen

RASI 1994 - 1995: Microcellular propagation modelling with ray tracing (as a part of microcellular WCDMA system simulator development)

A ray tracing program coded with ANSI-C was developed. The ray tracing is done based on the ray launching method and environment modelled with planes, and it takes free space propagation, reflections, penetration and diffraction into account. The program is developed for microcellular environments. Publications [1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10] are results from this work.

MAST 1996 - 1997: Modeling of nonideal system components

The work comprised development of nonideal RF models for link performance simulations, and the outcome was a memoryless power amplifier model and a mixer/modulator/demodulator model to be used in COSSAP, Matlab or other simulation environment. Publications [4, 5, 7, 11] are originated from this work.



[1] M. Honkanen, Ray Tracing Based Mobile Radio Channel Modelling in a Microcellular Environment (in Finnish), Master's Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1995, 77 pages

[2] P. Bergholm, M. Honkanen & S.-G. Häggman, "Development of a Wideband Radio Network Simulator", Proceedings of the IRC Workshop '95, Espoo, Finland, May 12, 1995

[3] P. Bergholm, M. Honkanen & S.-G. Häggman, "Simulation of a Microcellular DS-CDMA Radio Network", Fourth IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, Tokyo, Japan, November 6-10, 1995

[4] M. Honkanen, "Modelling of Narrowband High Power Amplifier in Radio Communication System Simulation", URSI/IEEE/IRC XXI Convention on Radio Science, Espoo, Finland, October 2-3, 1996

[5] M. Honkanen & S.-G. Häggman, "New Aspects on Nonlinear Power Amplifier Modeling in Radio Communication System Simulations", The 8th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications PIMRC '97, Helsinki, Finland, September 1-4, 1997

[6] K. Ruttik, M. Honkanen, M. Hall, T. Korhonen & V. Porra, "A Wideband Radio Channel Model for Simulation of Chaotic Communication Systems", Proceedings on the 1997 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD'97, Budapest, Hungary, August 30 - September 3, 1997

[7] M. Honkanen & S.-G. Häggman, "Behavioural High Power Amplifier Model for Accurate Adjacent Channel Power Simulation", HUT IRC Radio Communications Research Workshop, Espoo, Finland, October 17, 1997

[8] P. Haapala, R. Heiska, M. Honkanen, O. Pekonen & P. Vainikainen, "Directive Handset Antennas in Microcellular Environment", HUT IRC Radio Communications Research Workshop, Espoo, Finland, October 17, 1997

[9] M. Hall, M. Honkanen & K. Ruttik, "A Wideband Radio Channel Model for Testing New Communication Schemes", HUT IRC Radio Communications Research Workshop, Espoo, Finland, October 17, 1997

[10] P. Haapala, R. Heiska, M. Honkanen, O. Pekonen & P. Vainikainen, "Performance evaluation of directive handset antenna in microcellular environment", IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 43, No. 3, February 1998, p. 229-230

[11] M. Honkanen, O. Pöllänen, J. Tanskanen, E. Järvinen and S.-G. Häggman, "Comparison of Measured and Simulated p/4-DQPSK Adjacent Channel Power Using A Functional High Power Amplifier Model", IEEE 48th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC '98, Ottawa, Canada, May 18-21, 1998