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Books and Book Chapters
International Journal Papers
International Conference Papers

Books and Book Chapters

  1. M. L. R. de Campos, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., "Constrained Adaptive Filters," in Adaptive Antenna Arrays (ISBN: 3-540-20199-8), Editor: Satish Chandran, Springer-Verlag NY, 2004.
  2. T. Laakso, L. P. Sabel, V. Rose, A. Yardim, and G. D. Cain, "A new delay Root-Nyquist filter design method for signals corrupted by ACI", In: T. Wysocki, H. Razavi and B. Honary (Eds.) Digital Signal Processing for Communication Systems, pp. 167-176, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London 1997.


Dr.Tech. Theses
  1. K. Kettunen Soft Detection and Decoding in Wideband CDMA Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Laboratory, March 2003.
  2. S. Werner Reduced Complexity Adaptive Filtering Algorithms with Applications to Communications Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Laboratory, November 2002.
  3. R. Baghaie, Architectural and Algorithm Transformations and their Applications in Mobile Telecommunication Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Laboratory. July 2000.
Lic.Tech. Theses
  1. Y. Liu, Adaptive radio frequency interference cancellation in very high speed digital subscriber line systems, Ph.L., Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, December, 2001
  2. K. Kettunen, Advanced Decoding Techniques for Multiuser WCDMA Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of Signal Processing and Computer Technology. 1990.
M.Sc. Theses
  1. G. Gámez Measurements for Modelling of Wideband Nonlinear Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, Master's thesis, Signal Processing Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 2004.
  2. P. Jantunen Modelling of Nonlinear Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, Master's thesis, Signal Processing Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 2004.
  3. Julian Martin-Martinéz Adaptive algorithms for APLAC System Simulator. 2004
  4. Hai Xu Transmit and Receive Filter Design for Wireline Channels. 2003
  5. Lan Gao-Saari Application of Soft Decoding and Detection Methods in WCDMA Mobile Downlink Receivers. 2002
  6. M. Makundi Efficient Implementation of Variable Thiran Allpass Fractional Delay Filters for Synchronization in Communications. 2001
  7. H. Mäntylä Design of very high speed digital subscriber line (VDSL) networks, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Telecommunications Technology, Report 4/99, 73 pages, Espoo 1999.
  8. S. Werner Adaptive Multiple-Antenna Receiver for CDMA Mobile Reception, M.Sc. Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Sensors and Systems. (Also available as Internal Report, Laboratory of Telecommunications Technology, Oct. 1997, Espoo, Finland)
  9. P. Karttunen Comparison of Direction of Arrival and Beamforming Methods, Master's thesis, Laboratory of Telecommunications Technology, TKK, Otaniemi, Jan. 1997.

International Journal Papers

  1. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos, J. A. Apolinário Jr., P. S. R. Diniz, "Low-complexity constrained affine-projection algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Accepted 2005.
  1. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos, P. S. R. Diniz, "Partial-update NLMS algorithms with data-selective updating," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, April 2004.
  1. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos , J. A. Apolinário Jr., "On the equivalence of RLS implementations of LCMV and GSC processors," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, December 2003.
  2. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos, P. S. R. Diniz, "Mean-squared analysis of the partial-update NLMS algorithm," Journal of the Brazilian /telecommunications Society, June 2003.
  3. P. S. R. Diniz, S. Werner, "Set-membership binormalized data reusing algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 51, January 2003.
  1. M. L. R. de Campos, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., "Constrained adaptation algorithms employing Householder transformation," IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, vol. 50, pp. 2187-2195, September 2002.
  1. S. Werner, P. S. R. Diniz, "Set-membership affine projection algorithm," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 8, pp. 231-235, August 2001.
  2. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and V. Välimäki, "Efficient tunable IIR and allpass filter structures," Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 344-345, 15 March 2001.
  1. Timo I. Laakso and Vesa Välimäki, "Energy-based effective length of the impulse response of a recursive filter", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 7-17, Feb. 1999.
  2. R. Baghaie and V. Dimitrov, "DHT algorithm based on encoding algebraic integers," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 35, no. 16, pp. 1303-1305, August 1999.
  1. T. I. Laakso and A. Gyasi-Agyei, "Design of optimal symmetric FIR receive filters", Electronic Letters, Vol. 34, No. 25, pp. 2375-2377, 10th Dec. 1998.
  2. Vesa Välimäki and Timo I. Laakso, "Suppression of transients in variable recursive digital filters with a novel and efficient transient cancellation method", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 46, No. 12, pp. 3408-3414, Dec. 1998.
  3. Juha Kauraniemi, Timo I. Laakso, Iiro Hartimo, and Seppo J. Ovaska, "Delta operator realizations ofr direct-form IIR filters", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems - II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 41-52, January 1998.
  1. Seppo J. Ovaska, Olli Vainio, and Timo I. Laakso, "Design of predictive IIR filters via feedback extension of FIR forward predictors," IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 46. No. 5, pp. 1196-1201, Oct. 1997.
  2. A. Yardim, T. I. Laakso, L. P. Sabel and G. D. Cain, "Frequency-sampling design of delay-root-Nyquist filters", Electronic Letters, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 35-37, 2nd Jan. 1997.
  1. Timo I. Laakso, Lesley P. Sabel, Anush Yardim, and Gerald D. Cain, "Optimal receive filters for the suppression of ISI and adjacent channel interference", Electronic Letters, Vol. 32, No. 15, pp. 1346-1347, 18th July 1996.
  2. I. Kale, J. P. Mackenzie and T. I. Laakso, "Motor car acoustic response modeling and order reduction via balanced model truncation", Electronic Letters, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 965-966, 23rd May 1996.
  3. Timo I. Laakso and Seppo J. Ovaska, "A prefiltering approach for optimal polynomial prediction," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 701-705, March 1996.
  4. P. T. Harju, T. I. Laakso, and S. J. Ovaska, "Applying IIR predictors on Rayleigh fading signal," Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 91-96, Jan. 1996.
  5. Timo I. Laakso, Vesa Välimäki, Matti Karjalainen and Unto K. Laine, "Splitting the unit delay - tools for fractional delay filter design," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 30-60, Jan. 1996.

International Conference Papers

  1. M. Shoaib, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., and T. I. Laakso, "Solution to the weight extraction problem in Fast QR-decomposition RLS algorithms," International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2006, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
  2. M. Shoaib, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., and T. I. Laakso, "Equivalent Output-Filtering using Fast QRD-RLS Algorithm for Burst-Type Training Applications," International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS'2006, Kos, Greece, May 2006.
  3. E. Zacarías, S. Werner, R. Wichman, "Adaptive Transmit Eigenbeamforming with Stochastic Unitary Plane Rotations in MIMO Systems With Linear Receivers," Zurich Seminar on Communications, IZS'2006, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2006.
  1. S. Werner, M. Enescu, V. Koivunen, "Low-complexity time-domain channel estimators for mobile wireless OFDM systems," IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, SIPS'2005, Athens, Greece, November 2005.
  2. S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., P. S. R. Diniz, T. I. Laakso, "A set-membership approach to normalized proportionate adaptation algorithms," European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'2005, Antalaya, Turkey, September 2005.
  3. A. Ramos, J. A. Apolinário Jr., S. Werner, "A general approach to the derivation of block multichannel fast QRD-RLS algorithms," European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'2005, Antalaya, Turkey, September 2005.
  4. E. Zacarías, R. Wichman, S. Werner, "Filtered gradient algorithm for closed loop MIMO systems," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC'2005-Spring, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2005.
  5. M. Y. Cheong, S. Werner, J. Cousseau, T. I. Laakso, "Predistorter identification using the simplicial canonical piecewise linear function," International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT-2005, Capetown, South Africa, May 2005.
  1. S. Werner, M. With, V. Koivunen, "Householder-based low-rank space-time processor for anti-jamming navigation receivers," European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'2004, Vienna, Austria, September 2004.
  2. M. With, S. Werner, V. Koivunen, "Householder-based anti-jamming navigation receiver structures," IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, SAM'2004, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, July 2004.
  3. M. Y. Cheong, S. Werner, T. I. Laakso, "Design of predistorters for power amplifiers in future mobile communications systems," IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG'2004, Espoo, Finland, pp. 332--335, June 2004.
  4. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and A. Hjørungnes, "Iterative Symbol Synchronization Using Variable IIR and FIR Fractional-Delay Filters with Arbitrary Oversampling Ratios," accepted for publication in 1st International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Mauritius, September 2004.
  5. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and A. Hjørungnes, "Generalized Symbol Synchronization Using Variable IIR and FIR Fractional-Delay Filters with Arbitrary Oversampling Ratios," in ICASSP 2004 IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. II-405-8, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
  6. J. Cousseau, P. Doñate and Y. Liu, "Factorized all-pass IIR adaptive notch filters," in ICASSP 2004 IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
  7. P. Jantunen, G. Gámez, T. Laakso, "Measurements and Modelling of Nonlinear Power Amplifiers," IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG'04, Espoo, Finland, June 2004.
  1. M. L. R. Campos, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., "On an efficient implementation of the multistage Wiener filter through Householder reflections for DS-CDMA interference suppression," IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM’2003, San Fransisco, USA, December 2003.
  2. M. Makundi and T.I. Laakso, "Efficient symbol synchronization techniques using variable FIR or IIR interpolation filters," in ISCAS 2003 The 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 3, pp. 570-573, 25-28 May, 2003.
  1. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and Yaohui Liu, "Asynchronous implementation of transient suppression in tunable IIR filters," DSP 2002 The 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 815-818, 1.-3.7.2002.
  2. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos, P. S. R. Diniz, "Mean-squared analysis of the partial-update NLMS algorithm," IEEE International Telecommunication Symposium, ITS’2002, Natal, Brazil, September 2002.
  3. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos , J. A. Apolinário Jr., "On the equivalence of the constrained RLS and the GSC-RLS beamformers," IEEE International Telecommunication Symposium, ITS’2002, Natal, Brazil, September 2002.
  4. S. Werner, M. L. R. de Campos, P. S. R. Diniz, "Partial-update NLMS algorithms with data-selective updating," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2002, pp. 1413-1416, Orlando, USA, May 2002.
  1. S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., M. L. R. Campos, "Data-selective constrained affine projection algorithm," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP'2001, pp. 3745 -3748, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 2001.
  2. M. Makundi, V. Välimäki, and T.I. Laakso, "Closed-form design of tunable fractional-delay allpass filter structures," ISCAS 2001 The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 4, pp. 434-437, 2001.
  3. Y. Liu, P. S. R. Diniz and T. I. Laakso,   "Adaptive Steiglitz-McBride Notch Filter Desgn for Radio Interference Suppression in VDSL Systems" in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2001
  4. Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA, November 25 - 29, 2001
  5. Y. Liu, T. I. Laakso, and P. S. R. Diniz, "Adaptive Radio frequency interference suppression in VDSL Systems" in Proc. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Espoo, Finland, August 28 - 31, 2001
  6. Y. Liu, T. I. Laakso, and P. S. R. Diniz, "A Complex adaptive IIR notch filter algorithm with optimal convergence factor" in Proc. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Espoo, Finland, August 28 - 31, 2001
  7. Y. Liu, T. I. Laakso and P. S. R. Diniz, "A complex adaptive notch filter based on the Steiglitz-McBride method" , in Proc. Finnish Signal Processing Symposium (FINSIG'01), pp. , Espoo, Finland, June 2001.
  1. P. S. R. Diniz, S. Werner, "Adaptive filtering for wireless communication systems," First Balkan Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, Circuits and Systems, pp. 1-4, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000. Invited paper.
  2. P. S. R. Diniz, S. Werner, "Set-membership binormalized data-reusing algorithms," IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID’2000, pp. 869-874, Santa Barbara, California, USA, June 2000. Invited paper.
  3. S. Werner, M. L. R. Campos, J. A. Apolinário Jr., "Kalman based chip equalization for WCDMA downlink," European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO’00, Tampere, Finland, September 2000.
  4. H. Mäntylä, "Evaluation of access network modifications required by the introduction of VDSL," European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications, NOC 2000, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2000.
  1. R. Baghaie and P. Karttunen, "Implementation of mobile user tracking system," in Proceedings Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM'99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1999.
  2. V. Dimitrov and R. Baghaie, "Computing discrete Hartley transform using algebraic integers," in Proceedings 33rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 1999.
  3. J. Helenius, Y. Liu, M. Renfors, T. Laakso, "Analysis of VDSL Capacity Based on Channel Measurements," in Proc. Broadband Access Conference (BAC'99), pp. 160-166, Cracow, Poland, Oct. 1999.
  4. Y. Liu, J. Helenius, T. Laakso, M. Renfors, "VDSL capacity estimation based on in-field measurements," in Proc. Fifth Bayona Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Telecommunications, pp. 37-41, Bayona-Vigo, Spain, Sept. 1999.
  5. P. Karttunen, "An algorithm for Noise Subspace based Mobile User Tracking," in Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'99, Kyoto, Japan, September 1999.
  6. R. Baghaie, "Application of transformation techniques in CDMA receivers," in Proceedings IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS'99, Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 1999.
  7. R. Baghaie and P. Karttunen, "VLSI implementation of CG based mobile user tracking system," in Proceedings IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS'99, Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 1999.
  8. K. Kettunen, T. Laakso, "Iterative multiuser receiver utilizing soft decoding information," in Proceedings IEEE International Communications Conference, ICC'99, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 942-946, June 1999.
  9. S. Werner, J. Lilleberg, "Downlink channel decorrelation in CDMA systems with long codes," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC’99 Spring, Houston, Texas, USA, May 1999.
  10. P. Karttunen and R. Baghaie, "Conjugate Gradient Based Signal Subspace Mobile User Tracking," in Proceedings IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC'99, Houston, Texas, USA, vol. 2, pp. 1172-1176, May 1999.
  11. K. Kettunen, "Iterative multiuser receiver/decoders with enhanced variance estimation," in Proceedings IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC'99, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 2318-2322, May 1999.
  12. M. L. R. de Campos, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário Jr., "Householder-transform constrained LMS algorithms with reduced-rank updating," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP'99, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 1999.
  1. J. A. Apolinário Jr., S. Werner, T. Laakso, P. S. R Diniz, "Constrained normalized adaptive filtering for CDMA mobile communications," European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'98, Island of Rhodes, Greece, September 1998.
  2. J. A. Apolinario Jr., P. S. R. Diniz, T. I. Laakso, and M. L. R. de Campos, "Step-size optimization of the BNDR-LMS algorithm," in Proc. IX European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'98), pp. 1249-1252, Island of Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 8-11, 1998.
  3. R. Baghaie, S. Werner, T. Laakso, "Relaxed look-ahead technique for pipelined implementation of adaptive multiple-antenna CDMA mobile receivers," European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'98, Island of Rhodes, Greece, September 1998.
  4. M. Campos, S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário, T. Laakso, "Constrained Quasi-Newton algorithm for CDMA mobile communications," SBT/IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium, ITS'98, August 1998, São Paulo, Brazil.
  5. S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário, "Multiple-Antenna CDMA Mobile Reception Using Constrained Normalized Adaptive Algorithms," SBT/IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium, ITS'98, Aug. 9-13, 1998, São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 354-358.
  6. S. Werner, T. Laakso, J. Lilleberg, "Multiple-antenna receiver for CDMA mobile reception," IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC'98, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 1998.
  7. S. Werner, J. A. Apolinário, "Application of Constrained Normalized Algorithms for a Multiple-Antenna CDMA Mobile Receiver," IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG'98, Vigsø, Denmark, June 1998.
  8. R. Baghaie, S. Werner, "Pipelined adaptive CDMA mobile receivers," IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG'98, Vigsø, Denmark, June 1998.
  9. P. T. Karttunen, K. Kalliola, T. I. Laakso, and P. Vainikainen, "Measurement analysis of spatial and temporal correlation in wideband radio channels with adaptive antenna array", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Universal Personal Communications (ICUPC'98), pp. 671-675, Florence, Italy, Oct. 5-9, 1998.
  10. R. Baghaie and T. Laakso, "Implementation of low-power CDMA RAKE receivers using strength reduction transformation," in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'98), pp. 169-172, Vigsø, Denmark, June 8-11, 1998.
  11. R. Baghaie, S. Werner, T. Laakso, "Pipelined implementation of adaptive multiple-antenna CDMA mobile receivers," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP’98, Seattle Washington, USA, May 1998.
  12. Timo I. Laakso and Vesa Välimäki, "Energy-based effective length of the impulse response of a recursive filter," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), vol. 3, pp. 1253-1256, Seattle, Washington, May 12-16, 1998.
  13. Vesa Välimäki and Timo I. Laakso, "Suppression of transients in time-varying recursive filters for audio signals," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), vol. 6, pp. 3569-3572, Seattle, Washington, May 12-16, 1998.
  1. C. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Qiu; X. Du, "On the initialization of the discrete wavelet transform algorithm," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, (ICIPS '97). Vol. 2, pp. 1220-1222, Beijing, China, July, 1997.
  2. Petri T. Karttunen, T. I. Laakso and J. Lilleberg, "Tracking of mobile users in mobile communication system using adaptive convergence parameter", in Proc. 8th IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'97), pp. 989-993, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 1-4, 1997.
  3. J. Kauraniemi and T. I. Laakso, "Roundoff noise analysis of modified delta operator direct form structures", in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'97), Vol. 4, pp. 2365-2368, Hong Kong, June 1997.
  1. J. Kauraniemi and T. I. Laakso, "Elimination of limit cycles in a direct form delta operator filter", in Proc. VIII European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'96), Vol. 1, pp. 57-60, Trieste, Italy, Sept. 1996.
  2. Anush Yardim, Timo I. Laakso, Lesley P. Sabel, and Gerald D. Cain, "Design of efficient receive FIR filters for joint minimization of channel noise, ISI, and adjacent channel interference," in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'96), pp. 948-952, London, UK, Nov. 18-22, 1996.
  3. Aiping Huang, Timo I. Laakso, Seppo J. Ovaska, and Iiro O. Hartimo, "Optimal linear filtering for power estimation of slowly-varying complex-valued signals", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Signal Processing (ICSP'96), pp. 76-79, Beijing, China, Oct. 14-18, 1996
  4. Denise Bland, Timo Laakso and Andrzej Tarczynski, "Application of NUT-DFT for resampling of nonuniformly sampled signals", in Proc. the Third Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS'96), pp. 586-589, Rhodos, Greece, Oct. 13-16, 1996.
  5. Timo I. Laakso, N. Paul Murphy and Andrzej Tarczynski, "Reconstruction of nonuniformly sampled signals using polynomial filtering", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 61-64, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  6. Aiping Huang and Timo I. Laakso, "Power estimation approaches for complex-valued signals based on the Hammerstein model and the Wiener model", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 191-194, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  7. Petri T. Karttunen, Seppo J. Ovaska, and Timo I. Laakso, "Comparison of direction of arrival estimation methods: a case study", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 223-227, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  8. Denise M. Bland, Andrzej Tarczynski and Timo I. Laakso, "Spectrum analysis of nonuniformly sampled signals using the NUT-DFT", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 307-310, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  9. N. P. Murphy, A. Tarczynski and T. I. Laakso, "Sampling-rate conversion using a wideband tuneable fractional delay element", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 423-426, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  10. Izzet Kale, Jonathan P. Mackenzie, Timo I. Laakso and Gerald D. Cain, "Recursive filter approximation of long car audio impulse responses using balanced model truncation", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 435-438, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  11. Jonathan P. Mackenzie, Izzet Kale, Timo I. Laakso and Gerald D. Cain, "Balanced model truncation: an alternative to linear prediction for speech coding", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 439-442, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  12. Vesa Välimäki and Timo I. Laakso, "Splitting the unit delay - digital filter approximations for fractional delay", in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG'96), pp. 479-482, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 24-27, 1996.
  13. Lesley P. Sabel, Timo I. Laakso, Anush Yardim, and Gerald D. Cain, "A new delay root-Nyquist filter design method for signals corrupted by ACI," in Proc. 4th UK/Australian International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 186-193, Sept. 23-27, 1996.
  14. Aiping Huang and Timo I. Laakso, "Optimal design and adaptive implementation of power estimation using the Hammerstein model", in Proc. IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 648-651, Ames, Iowa, USA, Aug. 18-21, 1996.
  15. Andrzej Tarczynski, Denise Bland, and Timo Laakso, "Spectrum estimation of non-uniformly sampled signals", in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE96), Warsaw, Poland, pp. 196-200, June 17-20, 1996.
  16. Denise M. Bland, Timo I. Laakso, and Andrzej Tarczynski, "Analysis of algorithms for a non-uniform time discrete Fourier transform," in Proc. Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'96), Vol. 2, pp. 453-456, Atlanta, Georgia, May 12-15, 1996.
  17. Juha Kauraniemi, Timo I. Laakso, Iiro Hartimo, and Seppo J. Ovaska, "Roundoff noise minimization in a direct form delta operator structure," in Proc. Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP'96), Vol. 3, pp. 1371-1374, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7-10, 1996.


  1. J. A. Apolinário Jr., S. Werner, "Conjugate gradient algorithm with data selective updating," 19th Brazilian Telecommunication Symposium, Fortaleza, Brazil, September 2001.
  1. M. Makundi and A. Sihvola, "Frequency dependence of the permittivity of water-alcohol mixtures," Sähkömagnetiikka, 9. national seminar, 26.8.1999.
  2. Y. Liu, J. Helenius, T. Laakso and M. Renfors, "Capacity estimation of VDSL Connections based on channel measurements," in Proceedings 1999 Finnish signal processing symposium, FINSIG´99, Oulu, Finland, pp.262-266, May 1999.
  3. H. Mäntylä, P. Poikolainen, and T. Laakso, "Design of very high speed digital subscriber line (VDSL) networks,"in Proceedings 1999 Finnish signal processing symposium, FINSIG´99, Oulu, Finland, pp.257-261, May 1999.
  4. R. Baghaie, "Systolic implementation of sample-by-sample conjugate gradient algorithm," in Proceedings IEEE Finnish Signal Processing Symposium, FINSIG'99, Oulu, Finland, pp. 252-256, May 1999.
  5. R. Insa Hernandez, R. Baghaie, and K. Kettunen, "Implementation of Gram-Schmidt conjugate direction and conjugate gradient algorithms," in Proceedings IEEE Finnish Signal Processing Symposium, FINSIG'99, Oulu, Finland, pp. 165-169, May 1999.
  6. K. Kettunen, "Iterative multiuser receivers in coded CDMA systems," in Proceedings IEEE Finnish Signal Processing Symposium, FINSIG'99, Oulu, Finland, pp. 15-19, May 1999.
  7. R. Baghaie, "Transformation techniques in CDMA receivers," in Proceedings IEEE Finnish Signal Processing Symposium, FINSIG'99, Oulu, Finland, pp. 10-15, May 1999
  1. Stefan Werner, Timo I. Laakso and Jorma Lilleberg, "Adaptive multiple-antenna receiver for CDMA mobile reception", in Proc. of the IRC Workshop'97, pp. 59-60, Innopoli, Espoo, Finland, Oct. 17, 1997.
  2. Petri T. Karttunen, Timo I. Laakso and Jorma Lilleberg, "Beamforming baseduser tracking", in Proc. of the IRC Workshop'97, pp. 57-58, Innopoli, Espoo, Finland, Oct. 17, 1997.
  3. Petri T. Karttunen, Timo I. Laakso and Jorma Lilleberg, "Adaptive step size method for user tracking in mobile communication system", in Proc. 1997 Finnish Signal Processing Symposium (FINSIG'97), pp. 6-10, Pori, Finland, May 22, 1997.
  1. Petri T. Karttunen, Timo I. Laakso, and Seppo J. Ovaska, "Adaptive beamforming for mobile communications", in Proc. URSI/IEEE/IRC XXI Convention on Radio Science, pp. 153-154, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, Oct. 2-3, 1996.