Extended Call for
Important Dates
Contact Info
Authors' Guide
Travel Guide
The AES16 Conference Committee wish to acknowledge the following people:
- Jokke Heikkilä (VÄS)
- Juhana Kari (VÄS)
- Timo Muurinen (VÄS)
- Hanna Järveläinen (HUT Acoustics lab)
- Riitta Väänänen (HUT Acoustics lab)
- Matti Airas (HUT Acoustics lab)
- Miikka Huttunen (HUT Acoustics lab)
- Jukka Holm (Nokia Research Center)
- Kalle Koivuniemi (Nokia Research Center)
Rovaniemi Local Crew:
- Marja-Leena Porsanger (Rovaniemi University)
- Heidi Torppa (Rovaniemi City Hall)
- Nelly Korteniemi (Rovaniemi City Hall)
- Pentti Koskitalo (Rovaniemi City Hall)
- Antti Myllymäki (Rovaniemi City Hall)
- Mauri Javola (Rovaniemi City Hall)
Audio Engineering Society:
- Marina Bosi
- Roger Furness
- Subir Pramanic
- Søren Bech
- Francis Rumsey
- Patricia M. MacDonald
- Bill McQuade
- Gerri M. Calamusa
- Patricia L. Sarch
- David Johnson, New Media Design
(especially for taking care of the on-line registration)
AES Finnish Section:
- Olli Salmensaari
- Timo Peltonen
Graphic Designers:
- Mia Kivinen (poster etc. design)
- Paula Jussila (conference logo)
HUT Acoustics Lab:
- Lea Söderman (for taking care of lots of practical arrangements)
- Tero Tolonen (for LaTeX magic)
- Aki Härmä (for LaTeX magic)
- Unto K. Laine (for Congress Manager's Handbook)
- Panu Maijala (for assistance with the conference web server)
- Sari Kallio (for taking care of lots of practical arrangements)
Invited Speakers:
- Durand Begault
- David Griesinger
- Brian Moore
- Søren Bech
- Jean-Marc Jot
- Everyone who submitted a paper or an abstract to this conference!
- Ville Pulkki (HUT Acoustics Lab) for the brilliant opening and closing themes for
the conference
- Lauri Savioja (HUT Acoustics Lab) for extra big screen version of the Marienkirche video
- Tapio Lokki (HUT Multimedia Lab) for extra big screen version of the Marienkirche video
- Samu Kaajas (Nokia Research Center) for volunteer work during the conference
- Gaëtan Lorho (Nokia Research Center) for volunteer work during the conference
- Kalle Palomäki (HUT Acoustics Lab) for volunteer work during the conference
- William Martens (University of Aizu) for contributing to the webcam archives
- Esa Piirilä (Sample Rate Systems) for contributing to the webcam archives
- Philip Mackensen (IRT) for contributing to the webcam archives
- Güther Theile (IRT) for contributing to the webcam archives