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Class guinea.player.SoundSample


public class SoundSample
extends Sample
implements PlayerMessageListener, Serializable, FileSample, PropertyLoader, Cloneable
The SoundSample objects can be used to play sound samples.

Variable Index

· correctionVolume
The volume correction level.
Exponential fade (dB linear). Deprecated.
Exponential fade (dB linear).
Linear fade.
Linear fade. Deprecated.
· loop_frame
Frame of last loop.
Notify about sample loops.
Notify about sample position.
Notify about sample starts.
Notify about sample ends and stops.
· start_frame
Starting frame of last start.
· stop_frame
Frame of last stop.

Constructor Index

· SoundSample()
Create a new sample not yet associated with any file using the default player.
· SoundSample(AudioPlayer)
Create a new sample not yet associated with any file using the given player.
· SoundSample(SoundPlayer, String)
Create a new sample and load sample from designated player.
· SoundSample(String)
Create a new sample and load sample using default player.

Method Index

· addOptions(int)
Turn on some sample options.
· addSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener)
Adds the specified sample position listener to receive position events from this sample.
· clone()
Clone sample.
· close()
Close sample. Deprecated.
· dispose()
Dispose of sample when not needed anymore.
· fade(String, double, double)
Do a fade. Deprecated.
· fade(String, double, Volume)
Do a fade.
· finalize()
Finalize sample.
· getChannels()
Get number of channels in sample.
· getCorrectionVolume()
Get the correction volume level for this sample.
· getFilename()
Get file name of sample.
· getOptions()
Get sample options.
· getParams()
Return string representation of sample.
· getPositionNotifyInterval()
Get the position notify interval.
· getSampleID()
Get the sample ID used in the player.
· isLoaded()
· isLoopable()
Whether sample can be looped.
· length()
Get length of sample. Deprecated.
· load()
Load a sound sample.
· load(String)
Load a sound sample.
· mapChannel(ChannelMapping)
Set the mapping of samples channels.
· mapChannel(ChannelMapping[])
Set the mapping of samples channels.
· mapChannel(int, int)
Set the mapping of samples channels.
· processPlayerMessage(String, String, CommandTokenizer)
Process messages from the player for this sample.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· removeOptions(int)
Turn off some sample options.
· removeSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener)
Removes the specified sample position listener so it no longer receives position events from this sample.
· seek(long)
Seek to a given sample frame. Deprecated.
· setCorrectionVolume(double)
Set correction volume of sample. Deprecated.
· setCorrectionVolume(Volume)
Set correction volume of sample.
· setFilename(String)
Set file name of sample.
· setLooping(boolean)
Set looping status of sample.
· setOptions(int)
Set sample options.
· setPlayer(Player)
Set the player this sample is using.
· setPosition(long)
Seek to a given sample frame.
· setPositionNotifyInterval(double)
Set sample position notification interval.
· setPositionNotifyInterval(int)
Set sample position notification interval.
· setVolume(double, int)
Set volume of specified channel in sample. Deprecated.
· setVolume(Volume)
Set volume of sample.
· setVolume(Volume, int)
Set volume of specified channel in sample.
· start(long)
Start playing the sample at given time.
· startWait()
Start playing the sample and wait for it to start before returning.
· startWait(long)
Start playing the sample at a given time and wait for it to start before returning.
· stop()
Stop playing.
· unload()
Unload sample.
· waitForStart()
Wait for sample to start.
· waitForStop()
Wait for sample to stop.


 public static final String FADE_LINEAR
Linear fade.

 public static final String LINEAR_FADE
Note: LINEAR_FADE is deprecated. use FADE_LINEAR instead.

Linear fade.

 public static final String FADE_EXP
Exponential fade (dB linear).

 public static final String EXP_FADE
Note: EXP_FADE is deprecated. use FADE_EXP instead.

Exponential fade (dB linear).

 protected static final int NOTIFY_START
Notify about sample starts.

 protected static final int NOTIFY_STOP
Notify about sample ends and stops.

 protected static final int NOTIFY_LOOP
Notify about sample loops.

 protected static final int NOTIFY_POSITION
Notify about sample position.

· start_frame
 protected transient long start_frame
Starting frame of last start.

· stop_frame
 protected transient long stop_frame
Frame of last stop.

· loop_frame
 protected transient long loop_frame
Frame of last loop.

· correctionVolume
 protected Volume correctionVolume
The volume correction level.


· SoundSample
 public SoundSample()
Create a new sample not yet associated with any file using the default player.

· SoundSample
 public SoundSample(String filename) throws SampleException
Create a new sample and load sample using default player.

name - file name of the sound sample.
Throws: SampleException
thrown if sample loading fails.
· SoundSample
 public SoundSample(AudioPlayer player)
Create a new sample not yet associated with any file using the given player.

player - the sound player this sample is using.
· SoundSample
 public SoundSample(SoundPlayer player,
                    String filename) throws SampleException
Create a new sample and load sample from designated player.

name - file name of the sound sample.
player - the sound player this sample is using.
Throws: SampleException
thrown if sample loading fails.


· setPlayer
 public synchronized void setPlayer(Player player)
Set the player this sample is using.

setPlayer in class Sample
· getSampleID
 public String getSampleID()
Get the sample ID used in the player.

the player sample ID or null if sample is not loaded.
getSampleID in class Sample
· getChannels
 public int getChannels()
Get number of channels in sample.

number of channels
· length
 public long length()
Note: length() is deprecated. Use getNumFrames() instead.

Get length of sample.

length of sample in sample frames
· getFilename
 public String getFilename()
Get file name of sample.

· setFilename
 public void setFilename(String filename)
Set file name of sample.

filename - of sample.
· load
 public void load() throws SampleException
Load a sound sample. The sample name must have been set prior to loading.

Throws: SampleException
thrown if load failed or sample was already loaded.
· load
 public synchronized void load(String name) throws SampleException
Load a sound sample.

name - file name of the sound sample.
Throws: SampleException
thrown if load failed or sample was already loaded.
· unload
 public synchronized void unload()
Unload sample.

· close
 public void close()
Note: close() is deprecated. Use dispose instead.

Close sample.

close in class Sample
· processPlayerMessage
 public synchronized void processPlayerMessage(String targetID,
                                               String command,
                                               CommandTokenizer st)
Process messages from the player for this sample.

targetID - the ID of the object this is for.
command - the command string as a string.
msg - the command tokenizer that can be used to get more tokens from the command.
· start
 public void start(long frame)
Start playing the sample at given time.

frame - output frame number.
start in class Sample
· startWait
 public long startWait(long frame) throws InterruptedException
Start playing the sample at a given time and wait for it to start before returning.

frame - output frame number.
the timestamp indicating the starting time of sample. If frame was non-zero, the same value should be returned unless framedrops occured. Values less that zero indicate errors.
Throws: InterruptedException
if the wait was interrupted
· startWait
 public long startWait() throws InterruptedException
Start playing the sample and wait for it to start before returning.

the timestamp indicating the starting time of sample. Values less that zero indicate errors.
Throws: InterruptedException
if the wait was interrupted
· waitForStart
 public synchronized long waitForStart() throws InterruptedException
Wait for sample to start.

timestamp of samples start.
Throws: InterruptedException
if the wait was interrupted
· stop
 public void stop()
Stop playing.

stop in class Sample
· waitForStop
 public synchronized long waitForStop() throws InterruptedException
Wait for sample to stop.

timestamp of samples ending.
Throws: InterruptedException
if the wait was interrupted
· seek
 public void seek(long pos) throws SampleException
Note: seek() is deprecated. use setPosition(pos) instead.

Seek to a given sample frame.

pos - the sample frame number where to seek
Throws: SampleException
thrown if position was out of bounds
· setPosition
 public void setPosition(long pos) throws SampleException
Seek to a given sample frame.

pos - the sample frame number where to seek
Throws: SampleException
thrown if position was out of bounds
setPosition in class Sample
· setCorrectionVolume
 public void setCorrectionVolume(Volume vol)
Set correction volume of sample. The correction affects all channels.

vol - the correction volume level. The sample's level is always multiplied with the correction level.
· setCorrectionVolume
 public void setCorrectionVolume(double vol)
Note: setCorrectionVolume() is deprecated. Use Volume objects as parameters.

Set correction volume of sample. The correction affects all channels.

vol - The correction volume level in linear scale. The sample's level is always multiplied with the correction level.
· getCorrectionVolume
 public Volume getCorrectionVolume()
Get the correction volume level for this sample.

The correction volume level for this sample.
· setVolume
 public void setVolume(Volume v)
Set volume of sample. Sets volume of all channels.

vol - volume ((1.0, 0dB, 100%) is full volume, (0.0, 0%) is no volume)
setVolume in class Sample
· setVolume
 public void setVolume(double vol,
                       int channel)
Note: setVolume() is deprecated. use Volume objects instead of double values.

Set volume of specified channel in sample.

vol - volume (1.0 is full volume, 0.0 is no volume)
channel - channel number
· setVolume
 public void setVolume(Volume v,
                       int channel)
Set volume of specified channel in sample.

vol - Volume of channel.
channel - Channel number of the channel whose volume to change.
· fade
 public void fade(String type,
                  double length,
                  double volume)
Note: fade() is deprecated. use Volume objects instead of double values.

Do a fade.

type - type of fade, either LINEAR_FADE or EXP_FADE.
length - length of fade in seconds.
volume - volume at end of fade.
· fade
 public void fade(String type,
                  double length,
                  Volume v)
Do a fade.

type - type of fade, either LINEAR_FADE or EXP_FADE.
length - length of fade in seconds.
volume - volume at end of fade.
· getParams
 public String getParams()
Return string representation of sample.

getParams in class Sample
· addSamplePositionListener
 public void addSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener l)
Adds the specified sample position listener to receive position events from this sample.

l - the sample position listener.
addSamplePositionListener in class Sample
· removeSamplePositionListener
 public void removeSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener l)
Removes the specified sample position listener so it no longer receives position events from this sample.

l - the sample position listener.
removeSamplePositionListener in class Sample
· setLooping
 public void setLooping(boolean loop)
Set looping status of sample.

loop - set to true if looping is wanted, false otherwise.
setLooping in class Sample
· isLoopable
 public boolean isLoopable()
Whether sample can be looped.

true if sample can loop, false if not.
isLoopable in class Sample
· setPositionNotifyInterval
 public void setPositionNotifyInterval(int numFrames)
Set sample position notification interval.

numFrames - the interval in sample frames.
· setPositionNotifyInterval
 public void setPositionNotifyInterval(double millis)
Set sample position notification interval.

numFrames - the interval in milliseconds.
· getPositionNotifyInterval
 public int getPositionNotifyInterval()
Get the position notify interval.

· addOptions
 protected void addOptions(int opts)
Turn on some sample options.

opts - a mask of options to turn on.
· removeOptions
 protected void removeOptions(int opts)
Turn off some sample options.

opts - a mask of options to turn off.
· setOptions
 protected void setOptions(int opts)
Set sample options.

opts - a mask of options to turn set.
· getOptions
 protected int getOptions()
Get sample options.

a set of sample options.
· isLoaded
 public boolean isLoaded()
· mapChannel
 public void mapChannel(int source,
                        int dest)
Set the mapping of samples channels. Maps a source sample from the sample to a destination channel of the current virtual player.

source - the source channel number.
dest - the destination channel number.
· mapChannel
 public void mapChannel(ChannelMapping cm)
Set the mapping of samples channels. Maps a source sample from the sample to a destination channel of the current virtual player.

cm - the channel mapping object describing the mapping.
· mapChannel
 public void mapChannel(ChannelMapping cm[])
Set the mapping of samples channels. Maps a source sample from the sample to a destination channel of the current virtual player.

cm - an array of multiple mappings for the sample.
· clone
 public Object clone()
Clone sample. A new sample object is created that has the same properties as the original. If original sample was loaded when cloned, the clone will be loaded also.

A copy of the object.
clone in class Sample
· finalize
 protected void finalize()
Finalize sample. Calls dispose().

finalize in class Sample
See Also:
· dispose
 public void dispose()
Dispose of sample when not needed anymore. First unloads sample (if it is loaded) and then deallocates resources used by the sample.

dispose in class Sample
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
propertyLoad in class Sample

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