A novel receiver structure that utilizes the decoding information for multiuser
detection was proposed and analysed in the publication [1,4]. This receiver structure was
based on the single-user version of the uncoded maximum a priori criterion. The optimal as
well as two suboptimal multiuser likelihood algorithms were presented. The proposed
receiver structure used a soft-input-soft-output (SISO) channel decoder that required the
estimation of the channel variance.In [2], the impact of different variance estimation
algorithms was studied.
We derived two lower bounds [3] for the capacity of interference cancellation (IC) CDMA receivers, when channel coding or other means are used to improve the reliability of the tentative decisions. We used these bounds to estimate the capacity of such CDMA recivers when operating over a correlated Rayleigh fading channel. This was done to investigate, whether these kind of receivers can operate without the deep interleaving,which is needed to make the channel coefficients uncorrelated and which causes undesireable long delays in the cancellation.
[3] K. Kettunen, "Performance bounds for multistage IC receivers in coded DS-CDMA systems", submitted to IEEE Comm. Letters in November 1999. (Not available in electronic form.)
[6] K. Raatikainen, H. Jormakka, K. Kettunen, J. Sevanto, K. Valtari, "Adapting Mobile Networks into TINA Systems," in Proc. ACTS Mobile Communication Summit '98, Rhodes, Greece, June 8 - 11, 1998, s. 776-781. (Related non-RAVE publication. Not available in electronic form.)