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Class guinea.logic.SSMSTest


public class SSMSTest
extends GenericABCTest
The SSMSTest object handles the Single Stimulus Mixed Source (SSMS) test.

Variable Index

· currentVolume
The current level.
· ensureNoOverflows
Ensure that no overflows will happen when multiple samples are mixed together.
· levelControlName
The control name for the UI component that sets the level of S2/S3 samples.
· levelControlsS2
Whether volume level controls volume level of signal S2.
· levelControlsS3
Whether volume level controls volume level of signal S3.
· maxOutputLevel
The maximum output level allowed so that no overflows can occur.
· monochannel
To which output channel samples S2/3 come out to.
· monomapping
Channel mapping for playing samples S2/3.
· S1Volume
Volume for the S1 sample.
· S2Volume
Volume for the S2 sample.
· S3Volume
Volume for the S3 sample.
· sampleS1
Sample for signal S1.
· sampleS2
Sample for signal S2.
· sampleS3
Sample for signal S3.
Volume scale type is decibel.
Volume scale type is linear.
· scaleMax
Maximum volume for samples S2/3.
· scaleType
Type of the volume scale.

Constructor Index

· SSMSTest()

Method Index

· initItemSamples_base()
Sample initialization for this item.
· initItemUI()
· initTest()
In addition to defaul test initialization, creates mappings for channel mappings for S2/3 and calculates maximum output level for avoiding overflows.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
Read parameters for this test from the properties.
· samplePlay(String)
Play sample.


· sampleS1
 protected transient SoundSample sampleS1
Sample for signal S1.

· sampleS2
 protected transient SoundSample sampleS2
Sample for signal S2.

· sampleS3
 protected transient SoundSample sampleS3
Sample for signal S3.

· S1Volume
 protected Volume S1Volume
Volume for the S1 sample.

· S2Volume
 protected Volume S2Volume
Volume for the S2 sample.

· S3Volume
 protected Volume S3Volume
Volume for the S3 sample.

· currentVolume
 protected transient Volume currentVolume
The current level.

· scaleMax
 protected Volume scaleMax
Maximum volume for samples S2/3. It is used for calculating the maximum output level for avoiding overflows.

· monochannel
 protected int monochannel
To which output channel samples S2/3 come out to. The default is 1 (right channel).

· monomapping
 protected ChannelMapping monomapping
Channel mapping for playing samples S2/3.

 protected static final int SCALE_LINEAR
Volume scale type is linear.

See Also:
Volume, scaleType
 protected static final int SCALE_DECIBEL
Volume scale type is decibel.

See Also:
Volume, scaleType
· scaleType
 protected int scaleType
Type of the volume scale. Not currently selectable, only decibel scale is currently used. Will affect how the variable gain controller affects volume leve. Scaling is a bit different for linear and decibel scale.

See Also:
· ensureNoOverflows
 protected boolean ensureNoOverflows
Ensure that no overflows will happen when multiple samples are mixed together. It is done by limiting the output level or the MCL level that can be set. Setting to false will disable overflow checking.

· maxOutputLevel
 protected Volume maxOutputLevel
The maximum output level allowed so that no overflows can occur.

· levelControlName
 protected String levelControlName
The control name for the UI component that sets the level of S2/S3 samples.

· levelControlsS2
 protected boolean levelControlsS2
Whether volume level controls volume level of signal S2.

· levelControlsS3
 protected boolean levelControlsS3
Whether volume level controls volume level of signal S3.


· SSMSTest
 public SSMSTest()


· initTest
 public void initTest() throws Exception
In addition to defaul test initialization, creates mappings for channel mappings for S2/3 and calculates maximum output level for avoiding overflows. Done by limiting the MCL level range that can be used.

Also, will warn and change sample switching to 'normal' and sequence type to 'free' if they are not so.

Throws: Exception
thrown if an exception occurs during test initialization.
initTest in class Test
See Also:
ensureNoOverflows, scaleMax, sampleSwitching, sequenceType, MCLL, MCLLmin, MCLLmax
· initItemSamples_base
 protected void initItemSamples_base() throws Exception
Sample initialization for this item.

Throws: Exception
an exception may be thrown if there are problems
initItemSamples_base in class GenericABCTest
· initItemUI
 protected void initItemUI()
initItemUI in class Test
· samplePlay
 protected void samplePlay(String name)
Play sample.

name - the name of sample to be played received from the subject UI.
samplePlay in class GenericTest
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
Read parameters for this test from the properties.

p - the properties.
name - the name of this object (not usually used)
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
thrown if parameters are wrong.
propertyLoad in class GenericABCTest

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