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Class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI


public class ABSubjectUI
extends Frame
implements SubjectUI, WarningDisplayer, MCLLControl, ItemListener, WindowListener, AnswerListener, ControlListener, ActionListener, PropertyLoader, Serializable, RemoteObjectInterface
A subject UI terminal that implements the SubjectUI interface.

See Also:

Variable Index

· exitOnClose

Constructor Index

· ABSubjectUI()
Construct a new subject UI window.
· ABSubjectUI(Properties)
Construct a new subject UI window.
· ABSubjectUI(String)
Construct a new subject UI window.

Method Index

· actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
· addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener)
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
· answerGiven(AnswerEvent)
· close()
Close the UI window.
· controlPerformed(ControlEvent)
· createRemoteObjectClient(RemotePipe, String)
· createRemoteObjectServer(RemotePipe, String)
· dispose()
Dispose of the window.
· getControl(String)
· getControlNames()
Gets a array of control component names.
· getControlValue(String)
Get the control value of the controller.
· getMonitor(String)
· getMonitorNames()
Gets a array of monitor component names.
· getPreferredSize()
Returns the preferred size of this container.
· getQuestion(String)
· getQuestionNames()
Gets a array of question component names.
· isEnabled()
Determines whether this component is enabled.
· isTimeoutVisible()
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.
· itemStateChanged(ItemEvent)
· main(String[])
· open()
Open the UI window.
· processSubjectUIEvent(SubjectUIEvent)
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
· reset()
Resets the UI to default state.
· resetTimeout()
Reset the indicator to default state.
· setControlsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all control components.
· setControlValue(String, Object)
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.
· setDoneEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.
· setEnabled(boolean)
Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the parameter b.
· setMCLL(Volume)
Set the MCL Level on the MCLL dialog.
· setMCLLLimits(int, int)
Set the limits of the level the subject can select. Deprecated.
· setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume)
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.
· setMCLLText(String)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.
· setMCLLTitle(String)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
· setMCLLVisible(boolean)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
· setMonitorValue(String, Object)
Set the value of the monitored variable.
· setQuestionAnswer(String, Object)
Set the (initial) answer to the question.
· setQuestionsEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable all question or answer components.
· setTimeoutTimes(int)
Set the timeout time.
· setTimeoutTimes(int, int)
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.
· setTimeoutVisible(boolean)
Set visibility of warning indicator.
· setTitle()
· setTitle(String)
Sets the title for this frame to the specified title.
· startTimeoutWarning()
Start the countdown display.
· toString(Enumeration)
· toString(Object[])
· windowActivated(WindowEvent)
· windowClosed(WindowEvent)
· windowClosing(WindowEvent)
· windowDeactivated(WindowEvent)
· windowDeiconified(WindowEvent)
· windowIconified(WindowEvent)
· windowOpened(WindowEvent)


· exitOnClose
 public boolean exitOnClose


· ABSubjectUI
 public ABSubjectUI()
Construct a new subject UI window.

· ABSubjectUI
 public ABSubjectUI(String filename) throws IOException
Construct a new subject UI window. Components are created by reading required information from UI configuration file.

filename - File name of the UI configuration file.
Throws: IOException
If an IO exception occurs when loading configuration file.
· ABSubjectUI
 public ABSubjectUI(Properties props)
Construct a new subject UI window. Components are created by reading required information from a properties list.

props - Subject UI properties.


· open
 public void open()
Open the UI window.

· close
 public void close()
Close the UI window.

· dispose
 public void dispose()
Dispose of the window. Releases resources needed by the window. The window is no longer usable after this has been called.

dispose in class Frame
· getControl
 public ControlInterface getControl(String name)
· getQuestion
 public QuestionInterface getQuestion(String name)
· getMonitor
 public MonitorInterface getMonitor(String name)
· setQuestionAnswer
 public void setQuestionAnswer(String questionID,
                               Object answer)
Set the (initial) answer to the question.

questionID - The ID of the question component.
answer - The answer to the question.
· setControlValue
 public void setControlValue(String controlID,
                             Object value)
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
value - The value of the controlled variable.
· getControlValue
 public Object getControlValue(String controlID)
Get the control value of the controller.

controlID - The ID of the controller component.
The value of the controlled variable.
· setMonitorValue
 public void setMonitorValue(String monitorID,
                             Object value)
Set the value of the monitored variable.

monitorID - The ID of the monitor component.
value - The value of the monitored variable.
· actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
· controlPerformed
 public void controlPerformed(ControlEvent e)
· answerGiven
 public void answerGiven(AnswerEvent e)
· itemStateChanged
 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
· getQuestionNames
 public String[] getQuestionNames()
Gets a array of question component names.

· getControlNames
 public String[] getControlNames()
Gets a array of control component names.

· getMonitorNames
 public String[] getMonitorNames()
Gets a array of monitor component names.

· setTitle
 public void setTitle()
· setTitle
 public void setTitle(String title)
Sets the title for this frame to the specified title.

setTitle in class Frame
· addSubjectUIListener
 public synchronized void addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener listener)
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.

listener - the control listener
· removeSubjectUIListener
 public synchronized void removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.

listener - the SubjectUI listener
· processSubjectUIEvent
 public void processSubjectUIEvent(SubjectUIEvent e)
· windowOpened
 public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)
· windowClosing
 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
· windowClosed
 public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
· windowIconified
 public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
· windowDeiconified
 public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
· windowActivated
 public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
· windowDeactivated
 public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
· setEnabled
 public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the parameter b.

setEnabled in class Component
· setQuestionsEnabled
 public void setQuestionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all question or answer components.

· setControlsEnabled
 public void setControlsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable all control components.

· setDoneEnabled
 public void setDoneEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.

· isEnabled
 public boolean isEnabled()
Determines whether this component is enabled.

isEnabled in class Component
· reset
 public void reset()
Resets the UI to default state. Eesets all controls, questions and other buttons (Done-button).

· setTimeoutVisible
 public void setTimeoutVisible(boolean visible)
Set visibility of warning indicator.

visble - true makes the indicator visible to subject.
· isTimeoutVisible
 public boolean isTimeoutVisible()
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.

true if visible, otherwise false.
· setTimeoutTimes
 public void setTimeoutTimes(int timeoutTime,
                             int warningTime)
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.

timeoutTime - How much time there is to answer before the timeout expires. The timeout is in milliseconds.
warningTime - When to show that time is about to run out. It is the number of milliseconds before the timeout.
See Also:
· setTimeoutTimes
 public void setTimeoutTimes(int timeoutTime)
Set the timeout time. No warning is shown before going directly to timeout.

timeoutTime - How much time there is to answer before the timeout expires. The timeout is in milliseconds.
· startTimeoutWarning
 public void startTimeoutWarning()
Start the countdown display. Times have to have been initialized before starting.

· resetTimeout
 public void resetTimeout()
Reset the indicator to default state.

· setMCLLLimits
 public void setMCLLLimits(int min,
                           int max)
Note: setMCLLLimits() is deprecated. use volume parameters instead

Set the limits of the level the subject can select.

min - the minimum level in dB.
max - the maximum level in dB.
· setMCLLLimits
 public void setMCLLLimits(Volume min,
                           Volume max)
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.

min - the minimum level.
max - the maximum level.
· setMCLLText
 public void setMCLLText(String text)
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.

text - the text.
· setMCLLTitle
 public void setMCLLTitle(String title)
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.

title - the title.
· setMCLLVisible
 public void setMCLLVisible(boolean visible)
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.

visible - set to true to pop up the MCL level control, false to hide it.
· setMCLL
 public void setMCLL(Volume level)
Set the MCL Level on the MCLL dialog.

level - the volume level.
· getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
Returns the preferred size of this container.

getPreferredSize in class Container
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
· createRemoteObjectClient
 public ProcessRemoteCommand createRemoteObjectClient(RemotePipe pipe,
                                                      String objectName)
· createRemoteObjectServer
 public ProcessRemoteCommand createRemoteObjectServer(RemotePipe pipe,
                                                      String objectName)
· toString
 public static String toString(Object a[])
· toString
 public static String toString(Enumeration e)
· main
 public static void main(String args[])

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