Avesound - automatic recognition of bird species by their sounds


Automatic recognition of bird species by their sounds

Activity level
A research project is looking for funding
In Avesound project techniques and systems for automatic identification of sounds produced by birds (Aves) are developed. The main emphasis of Avesound is to develop algorithms for the automatic recognition of bird species. The long term goal of the research is to develop a system capable of recognizing a majority of Finnish bird species from a continuous environmental recording. The methods will be tested with species where data from multiple individuals is already available or will be collected during the project. Due to specific properties of bird sounds, it is necessary to develop new signal processing and pattern recognition techniques which are particularly suitable for the identification of bird sounds. The approach is to take into account the physics of sound production in birds and structural and statistical characteristics of bird songs and calls. The developed methods have some important applications in biology. At a higher level, a generic framework for identification of animal sounds will be developed in the project. This framework will be applicable also to the development of identification techniques for other classes of animals such as mammals, amphibians, and insects.
Participants at HUT/Acoustics
Prof. Unto K. Laine [homepage]
Aki Härmä [homepage] (Currently at Philips research)
Seppo Fagerlund [ homepage ]
Participants in other places
Prof. Juha Tanttu and Jari Turunen ( TUT/Pori )
Mikko Ojanen ( UT/SERI)
Prof. Juhani Lokki ( UH/FMNH )
and many other more or less active collaborators.

  • A. Härmä, ``Automatic recognition of bird species based on sinusoidal modeling of syllables,'' in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2003), (Hong Kong), April 2003.pdf-file
  • P . Somervuo and A. Härmä, ``Analyzing bird song syllables on the self-organizing map,'' in Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM '03), (Hibikino, Japan), September 2003.pdf-file
  • J.T. Tanttu, J. Turunen, and M. Ojanen, "Automatic Classification of Flight Calls of Crossbill Species (Loxia sp.)", 1st Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals , (Maryland, USA), July 2003.pdf-file

  • A. Härmä and P. Somervuo, CLASSIFICATION OF THE HARMONIC STRUCTURE IN BIRD VOCALIZATION, in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2004), (Montreal,Canada), 17-21 May, 2004.pdf-file

  • P. Somervuo and A. Härmä, BIRD SONG RECOGNITION BASED ON SYLLABLE PAIR HISTOGRAMS, in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP 2004), (Montreal,Canada), 17-21 May, 2004.pdf-file

  • A. Härmä, Avesound-memo: Phylloscopus-suvun lintujen elementtien vertailu (In Finnish), Espoo, Finland, March, 2004. pdf-file

  • S. Fagerlund, ``Acoustics and physical models of bird sounds '' in Seminar in acoustics, HUT, Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, , (Espoo), April 2004.pdf-file

  • S. Fagerlund, ``Automatic Recognition of Bird Species by Their Sounds '' Masters Thesis, HUT, Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, , (Espoo), 2004.thesis pdf-file , presentation pdf-file

  • A. Selin, ``Bird sound classification using wavelets'' Masters Thesis, TUT, Pori, , (Pori), 2005. thesis pdf-file

  • S. Fagerlund and A. Härmä, ``Parametrization of inharmonic bird sounds for automatic recognition'' 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2005), (Antalya, Turkey), 4-8 September, 2005. pdf-file
  • A. Selin, J. Turunen and J. T. Tanttu, ``Bird sound recognition and classification using wavelets'' XX. International BioAcoustics Congress (IBAC 2005), (Piran, Slovenia), 15-19 September, 2005. abstract
  • J. Turunen, A. Selin, J. T. Tanttu and T. Lipping, ``De-noising aspects in the context of feature extraction in automatic bird call recognition'' XX. International BioAcoustics Congress (IBAC 2005), (Piran, Slovenia), 15-19 September, 2005. abstract
  • J. T. Tanttu, J. Turunen, A. Selin and M. Ojanen, ``Automatic Feature Extraction and Classification of Crossbill (Loxia spp.) Flight Calls'' Bioacoustics, Vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 251-269, 2006.
  • A. Selin, J. Turunen and J. T. Tanttu, ``Wavelets in Automatic Recognition of Bird Sound'' EURASIP Journal on Signal Processing Special Issue on Multirate Systems and Applications, Vol 2007, Article ID 51806, 9 pages, 2006
  • P. Somervuo, A. Härmä and S. Fagerlund, ``Parametric representations of bird sounds for automatic species recognition'' IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2252 - 2263, 2006.
  • S. Fagerlund, ``Bird Species Recognition Using Support Vector Machines'' accepted for publication in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (EURASIP JASP) , 2007.
Media (in Finnish mainly)

  • Satakunnan Radio, Anneli Korpelainen, ``Satakunan Radion Uutiset'', 18.11.-03. mp3-file (0:31)

  • Satakunnan Radio, Pertti Kalinainen, ``Satakunan Luontoradio'', 18.11.-03. mp3-file (24:54)

  • Satakunnan Kansa, Esa-Pekka Avela, ``Kännykästä ehkä lintujen tunnistaja'', 16.02.-05. pdf-file

  • Satakunnan Radio, Pertti Kalinainen, ``Satakunan Luontoradio'', 15.03.-05. mp3-file (7:37)

  • Aamulehti, ``Porissa kehitetään linnun äänen perusteella tunnistavaa vekotinta'', 29.05.-05. pdf-file

  • Etelä-Saimaa, ``Linnunlaulun tunnistuskone kelpaisi niin maallikolle kuin biologillekin'', 30.05.-05. pdf-file

  • Satakunnan Radio, Matti Kauvo, ``Luova Tauko'', 09.06.-05. mp3-file (13:26)

Latest results (in Finnish mainly) In results, the first column gives an abbreviation derived from the latin name and the finnish name. The second and third column gives the numbers of individual syllables in a song and the percentage of correctly identified syllables, respectively. Fourth column gives the recognition result (this should be the same species as in the first column). The last column gives the second closest guess of the species. Each row represents an indivisual recording (a bird) in the database.


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Modified: 06.04.2004
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